Prism Blog

Prism Release Preview 13 December 2012

I’m pleased to announce that a new version of Prism is available for you to preview. This includes a fix to the Notes display and enables Single Sign On Integration with the Central Authentication Service (CAS) system for customers who have placed an order.

Making the most of your preview

These features are now available for you to preview. We urge you to make the most of the preview period to ensure that Prism continues to work well for your catalogue.

In particular, please check that you can sign in as normal, and that multiple occurrences of notes are displaying.

As usual, you can preview this release by inserting ‘/demo/’ after the part of your URL and before the name of your tenancy, e.g. If you have your own host name, to see the preview you must use instead. The preview enables you to search your live data and access your live Local Data Services (e.g. for availability, renewals and reservations) using the new version of Prism. You can also use it with your sandbox tenancy.

Notes Display issue fix

This fixes an issue where some notes (chiefly from MARC fields 500 and 504) are not displaying when there are multiple notes.

Single Sign On integration with the Central Authentication Service (CAS) system

We have made some changes to the authentication aspects of Prism to allow integration with the Central Authentication Service (CAS) system. We are delighted that this is enabling Prism’s first Single Sign On implementation to go live.

If you have not placed an order for Single Sign On there should be no change when signing in to Prism. During the preview we are advising everyone to check that you can sign in as normal.

For more information about Single Sign On please contact your Account Manager.

Release to the live service

This version of Prism will be released to the live service on Tuesday 18th December.

Comments and contact

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment here on the blog, on the Prism forum and Prism Ideas or contact your Account Manager or the Prism team directly.

Watch the latest Prism Development webinar

If you were unable to attend one of our recent Prism 3 update webinars, then catch up on latest developments by watching the recording below or by downloading the video.


  • Roadmap review
  • Features released recently
  • Next release
  • Roadmap/next steps
  • Questions

[podcast format=”video”][/podcast]

Prism release – 29th November 2012

I’m pleased to announce that the preview release of Prism has now been deployed to the live service.  Full details on the inclusions are given in the preview release notice on the Prism blog.

We welcome your comments, questions and ideas on Prism features. You can post comments here on the blog, discuss topics in the Prism forum, raise, discuss and vote on ideas in Prism Ideas or contact your account manager or the Prism team directly.

Configuring the Reset PIN feature

In order for Prism to reset the user’s PIN it needs to log in to your Alto system via the Local Data Services (LDS) as an operator at a particular site.

In order to configure the Reset PIN Feature you have to do four things:
1. Select an Alto login to use
2. Set that Alto login username and password within the Admin Console
3. Upload the email template that you’d like your borrowers to receive
4. Test it works.

Selecting the Alto Login to use

You can either use an existing Alto login or create a new one. Whichever you choose the login must have sufficient enablements to “View/Edit a Borrower PIN”. The actions that must be enabled are: Circulation, Borrower, Edit Borrower, and View/edit borrower PIN. These are set in Alto Configuration Setup: Parameter Management > Permissions > Rules.

The actions are associated with an Enablement Profile. This is determined by a combination of Operator Profile and Site Profile, in Alto Configuration Setup: Parameter Management > Permissions > Enablements Link.

An Operator login ID is linked to an Operator Profile in Alto Configuration Setup: Parameter Management > Names > Operators > Operators.

A Site code is linked to a Site Profile in Alto Configuration Setup: Parameter Management > Names > Location > Sites.

Adding the login to the Admin Console

Prism has a default Operator ID and Password which may work depending on your Alto configuration settings. You can specify an Operator ID and Password for Prism to use, in the Admin Console > LDS Operator area. When you have updated the LDS Operator you must reset the tenant cache for your catalogue.

Your LDS has a set of configured parameters including Site. Currently you are not able to access these; that will be provided in the Admin Console in due course. Often the Site is set to TWOC. If you are not sure which Site code your LDS is using, please open a Support case asking us to look it up for you.

You may have a policy of changing passwords regularly. This might affect your choice of Operator. Even if you would prefer to not have to remember to change the Operator Password configured for the Prism LDS regularly, it is important that you have the ability to do so, and to be able to change it at any time if, for example, the password has been compromised.

Uploading the email template

You can provide your own email text by creating and uploading a file called resetpin.txt and/or resetpin.locale.txt to your tenancy theme in the Admin Console. The resetpin.locale.txt file is for a different interface language, where locale is the locale code, for example In these files you can insert the following two tags:

  • {{ reset_link }} – mandatory, to give the link to the PIN reset page
  • {{ borrower_name }} – optional, allowing you to address the borrower by name, e.g. ‘Dear {{ borrower_name }}, …’.

Finally, testing…

Using one of your test borrower accounts within the LMS confirm it has your email address listed as the default email address. This will be used to send you the reset PIN email.

Open Prism and go to the login page, press the ‘Reset your PIN’ link and follow the instructions. You should receive an email using your provided email template allowing you to reset your library system PIN. Follow the link within the email, provide your new PIN and you should see a confirmation message.

Prism Release Preview – 8 November 2012

I’m pleased to announce that a new version of Prism is available for you to preview.

Forgotten PIN link

 The Account log in page now has a link that enables users to reset their PIN if they have an email address registered with the library (in their Alto borrower record). Clicking the link brings up a new page where you type your borrower number and click a Reset PIN link. This sends an email to your registered email address with a link to a web page where you can enter a new PIN and click the Reset PIN button to submit it. Then you can immediately sign in to Prism with your new PIN.

If users don’t have an email address registered with the library then following the Reset PIN feature leads to a page saying ‘Unable to send PIN reset email’. The PIN reset link in the email remains active for ten minutes, after which it goes to a ‘Reset PIN link expired’ page. In that case you can start again.

This feature comes with a default email template, but you can provide your own email text by uploading a file called resetpin.txt and/or resetpin.locale.txt to your tenancy theme in the Admin Console. The resetpin.locale.txt file is for a different interface language, where locale is the locale code, for example In these files you can insert the following two tags:
  • {{ reset_link }} – mandatory, to give the link to the PIN reset page
  • {{ borrower_name }} – optional, allowing you to address the borrower by name, e.g. ‘Dear {{ borrower_name }}, …’.

Pay Now link to pay charges

This requires our ePayments Integration module.

When users have charges on their library account and  view them under the Charges tab in Prism, a ‘Pay Now’ button will display. This takes you to the institutional ePayment page and allows you to pay your charges using the payment service provider chosen by your institution. If your library hasn’t got the ePayment module, or you would wish this to be enabled then please contact for more details.

Next steps

These features are now available for you to preview. They will be released to the live service next Thursday 22nd November. Do make the most of the preview time to try them on your tenancy, and we’d love to hear your feedback. You will also want to ensure that there are no problems with your local styling – there are no changes that should affect styling or extensions in tenancies that adhere to the style guidelines.

As usual, you can preview this release by inserting ‘/demo/’ after the part of your URL and before the name of your tenancy, e.g. If you have your own host name, to see the preview you must use instead. The preview enables you to search your live data and access your live Local Data Services (e.g. for availability, renewals and reservations) using the new version of Prism. You can also use it with your sandbox tenancy.

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment here on the blog, on the Prism forum and Prism Ideas or contact your account manager or the Prism team directly.

Prism Development Update Webinar – November 2012

To keep up to date with the latest Prism Developments you can register for the free webinar on Monday 19th November 2012 at 12:00 for Public Libraries and 14:00 for Academic Libraries.

In this webinar we’ll discuss the latest Prism developments and review the Prism Roadmap, as well as giving you an opportunity to raise any specific questions that you may have.

Public libraries click here to register.

Academic libraries click here to register.

After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

In the meantime keep up with the latest Prism news and developments on the Prism website and here on the Prism blog.

Watch the latest Prism Development webinar

If you were unable to attend one of our recent Prism 3 update webinars, then catch up on latest developments by watching the recording below or by downloading the video.


  • Roadmap review
  • Features released in August
    • OpenGraph metadata (for Facebook)
    • Next/Prev buttons
    • Item level notes
    • Performance improvements
    • Honeypot/spam field in feedback form
    • Reserve button context aware
    • Improved display of notes and table of contents
  • Features released in September
    • Performance improvements in ‘All Lists’
    • Enrichments
  • Next release
    • Forgotten PIN reset
    • User contributed tags
  • Roadmap/next steps
    • Search improvements when on new infrastructure
    • Admin Console refresh
    • Augmented discovery implementations
    • Recommendations
  • Questions

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Prism release – 30 August 2012

I’m pleased to announce that the preview release of Prism has now been deployed to the live service.  Full details on the inclusions are given in the preview release notice on the Prism blog.

We welcome your comments, questions and ideas on Prism features. You can post comments here on the blog, discuss topics in the Prism forum, raise, discuss and vote on ideas in Prism Ideas or contact your account manager or the Prism team directly.


Prism Development Update Webinar – September 2012

To keep up to date with the latest Prism Developments you can register for the free webinar on Tuesday 25th September 2012 at 12:00 for Public Libraries and 14:00 for Academic Libraries.

In this webinar we’ll discuss the latest Prism developments and review the Prism Roadmap, as well as giving you an opportunity to raise any specific questions that you may have.

Public libraries click here to register.

Academic libraries click here to register.

After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.

In the meantime keep up with the latest Prism news and developments on the Prism website and here on the Prism blog.

Prism Release Preview – 17 August 2012

I’m pleased to announce that a new version of Prism is available for you to preview.

Viewing Everybody’s lists

It’s good to see that libraries are enabling the recent list sharing functionality. It has been found that ‘Everybody’s lists’ does not display as quickly as it should, so we have made a change and it is now much quicker.

Renewal outcomes

We’ve made an adjustment to the re-designed display of renewal outcomes that was welcomed in the previous release. When renewal is disallowed, the explanatory message is now displayed across the bottom of the specific item row(s) rather than being pinned to the top of the browser window. A single alert message is displayed at the top of the page indicating the number of items that failed to renew.

When a renewal action is completely successful (for a single item or ‘Renew All’), no banner message is displayed at the top of the page – success is indicated by the change in the button text and colour.

Contents notes – not available in Preview

We have fixed an issue with the contents notes display, which was omitting some data originating from repeated MARC 505 fields. Although this change is not available in preview (because it requires affected records to be updated, or dummy edited, in live), this new feature will be available once the new changes are rolled out live.

Privacy statement covering EU Cookie Compliance

A privacy statement page is included in this release, covering the collection of personal information and the usage of cookies. During the preview you can see the privacy page in your tenancy at{tenancy}/privacy.

We recommend that you update your corporate privacy statement with the details about Prism, and then put a link to it in your Prism footer. This gives you complete control of the privacy statement. Alternatively, you can put a link in your Prism footer to the privacy statement page which is part of Prism; in this case, please remember to omit the ‘/demo’ part of the URL, which should take the form{tenancy}/privacy. Also please note that the page at this URL will only be available after release to the live service.

Making the most of your preview

We urge you to make the most of the preview period to explore the changes and to ensure that Prism continues to work well for your catalogue. Please ensure that there are no problems with your local styling; there is nothing in this release that should affect styling or extensions in tenancies that adhere to the Prism design guidelines (pdf), but now is the time to find out if there are any issues, before release to the live service.

We plan to roll these changes out to to the live service on Wednesday 29th August. This provides a longer preview period than usual to provide customers that are on holiday an opportunity to test this new release prior to go live.

As usual, you can preview this release by inserting ‘/demo/’ after the part of your URL and before the name of your tenancy:{tenancy}/. If you have your own host name, to see the preview you must use instead. The preview enables you to search your live data and access your live Local Data Services (e.g. for availability, renewals and reservations) using the new version of Prism. You can also use it with your sandbox tenancy.

If you have any issues please open a Support case and begin the subject line with ‘Prism Preview’ – this will help us to respond to any queries quickly.

Furthermore, we love to hear your comments, questions and ideas on Prism features. You can post comments here on the blog, discuss topics in the Prism forum, raise, discuss and vote on ideas in Prism Ideas or contact your account manager or the Prism team directly.