Prism Blog

Talis Prism 3 Development Update Webinar

For the last development update webinar of 2010 we are going to review the current functionality of Talis Prism 3 and look forward enthusiastically to the new features planned for the first half of 2011.

This free webinar will be of interest to all customers including those who have not yet started to implement Talis Prism 3.

It will be one webinar, rather than the usual academic/public split, and we will be making time for a lively question and answer session.

The webinar will be on Monday 13th December at 14:00 for one hour. Click here to register.

In the meantime keep up with the latest Talis Prism 3 news and developments on the Talis Prism 3 website and blog.

Prism 3 Release – 19 November 2010

We’re pleased to announce that the recent preview release of Talis Prism 3 has now been deployed to the live service.  For full details on what has changed in this release please visit the preview release notice here: //

If you have questions on this, or any other issue, please feel free to email, contact your account manager, or leave a comment on the blog.

Watch the latest Talis Prism Development webinar

If you were unable to attend one of our recent Prism 3 update webinars, then catch up on latest developments by watching the recording below or by downloading the video.

The main topics covered were:

  • Introductions
  • Roadmap
  • General Update
    • Release
    • Semantic Data Model
  • Roadmap next steps
    • View Loan History
    • Choice of Jacket image supplier
    • Linked Data API
  • Reservations survey
  • Google Analytics stats
  • Questions

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Prism 3 Release Preview – October 2010

We’re pleased to announce that we’ve just released the latest version of Talis Prism 3 for everyone to preview.

This release comprises the following changes:

  • The culmination of a large unit of work focussing on performance
  • A bug fix for customers with own hostnames, allowing them to view items in their sandbox tenancy.

As with all previous releases, these changes can be tested by using the demo version of your site. For customers using the “” domain, this is accessed by putting “demo/” just before your tenancy name, e.g.:

For customers with own hostname enabled, the “demo/” is placed at the end of your URL, e.g.:

If you have questions on this, or any other issue, please feel free to email, contact your account manager, or leave a comment on the blog.

Talis Prism 3 Default Design Released

One of the most common areas that customers tell me they struggle with during the implementation of Talis Prism 3 is the design aspect. We have always provided a very basic design template so that each individual organisation can customise Prism 3 to their own design requirements. However this has proved challenging for some organisations who do not have the relevant in house CSS and Web Design skills to complete their design.

We have taken this feedback on board and are pleased to announce that a new default design skin is now available for those who would like this to then further build their design on. To view the default skin please visit .

If you would like this applied to your Prism 3 tenancy please contact

If you have any queries about this or any other aspect of Talis Prism 3, please contact your Account Manager or email

Keep up with the latest Talis Prism 3 news and developments on the Talis Prism 3 website and blog.

Back in the academic groove with Google Analytics

We started using Google Analytics with Talis Prism 3 back in March, when usage across tenancies was relatively low – in the hundreds. Of course, in the intervening period a significant number of customers have adopted Talis Prism 3. As Imraz Mohammed pointed out on his recent Talis Prism 3 Update on this blog, 30 libraries have now moved to Talis Prism 3, of which 13 are university libraries. The combination of these increased volumes of usage and the approach of the new academic year means that Google Analytics is proving invaluable to Talis development staff and customers alike. Not only does it provide an updated picture of usage every few hours, but it’s so flexible that in different contexts, in this case, different times of year, it can provide powerful metrics for diagnostics and decision-making.

Of course the start of the academic year is particularly interesting (or murderous, depending on your viewpoint) for university libraries, where the user base and its multifarious motivations are shifting almost by the day. Around the middle of September, we were running at around 9,500 unique visitors per day across all the Talis Prism 3 tenancies. At this point it can be useful to start using the map facility on Google Analytics to get a picture (literally) of the shifting balance between use on campus and access from students at home.

And then suddenly, from Monday 27th September, universities welcome the year’s new students and the usage statistics started to climb. University of Northampton provides a great example of this. Already by Monday 27th, Talis Prism 3 is handling twice the previous traffic. On Tuesday there were 39,000 and by Friday they had reached 59,000.

By week beginning  4th October, students are returning, but freshers continue to make their presence felt on Google Analytics. The important metric Average pages per visit decreases as freshers log on to take a look at the system and play around with a few cursory searches before lectures start. On a similar vein, Average time spent on page has dipped and the bounce rate is up.

We start to see patterns at many levels. We notice that usage peaks on Wednesday and Thursday and then calms down for the weekend, before a growing again from Monday. And the longer we use it the more useful those patterns will be. I look forward to next year when we’ll be able to refer back to the September / October metrics in order to anticipate usage.

Our interest in Google Analytics extends well beyond the value for academic libraries in understanding end-user behaviour, important though that is. When providing Software as a Service such as Talis Prism 3, we need to be able to anticipate load with a high degree of accuracy. If not, unexpected spikes in usage may compromise the service. And this of course is the most critical time of the year, when expectations among students of campus services such as library systems are most likely to be set. On 27th September, when we experienced 1.5 hours of outage on Talis Prism 3, it was crucial to diagnose, resolve, and also make sure the problem did not recur. Two weeks later, Google Analytics enables us to state with confidence that we are successfully handling a five-fold increase in traffic compared to 27th September.

In order to resolve the underlying problems behind the outage, we advanced some of the performance enhancements we’d been working on into production. The majority of these changes will be released shortly, following a series of phased roll-outs, in which we install change on half the servers, monitor, and then roll out to the rest of the pool. This ensures that changes are tested in isolation, and is part of a broader testing strategy around Talis Prism 3, centred around:

a.       Automated tests which, for every change introduced, run through every Talis Prism 3 transaction – e.g. renewal, search, login – checking for an unchanged output in every instance. 20-30 minutes is all it takes to run through this comprehensive suite of functions.

b.      Performance tests in which we mimic live traffic on the two staging servers here at Talis before release onto customer tenancies.

Prism 3 Update

It’s been a few months since my last update and a lot has been happening within the Talis Prism 3 world during that time. We have seen several releases of Prism 3 as part of the work we are doing on the Semantic Data Model, as well as the launch of Talis Library Ideas and the rollout of the Admin Console for Prism 3. We also made available the option to customers to run Prism 3 on their own URL.

I have been busy working with many of our customers during the past three months helping them to launch Prism 3, which has resulted in a number of customers launching Prism 3 either in parallel to Prism 2 or as their sole new catalogue.

worcs The recent launches of Prism 3 has resulted in over 30 customers who are now running Prism 3 as a live catalogue. These include Worcestershire Libraries (left) who have implemented the Google Translate service on their catalogue, East Renfrewshire Council who have used JUICE to add a Library Location extension on the item details page and University of Roehampton (below) who have launched at the start of the new term. Earlier this week we saw Cornwall Council launch their catalogue taking the total number of live instances of Prism 3 to 32.

We have also seen the University of Manchester and University of Sunderland launch Prism 3 with their own hostname.roehampton

With over 30 customers running Prism 3, we are now seeing some very interesting statistical information in Google Analytics. We have been able to aggregate this data in order to monitor areas such as performance and searching. For example in the past 7 days we have see over 330k visits to Prism 3 from 137 countries which resulted in over 1.2 million page views.

If you have any queries about this or any other aspect of Talis Prism 3, please contact your Account Manager or email

Talis Prism 3: Development Update Webinar

To keep up to date with the latest Talis Prism 3 Developments you can register for the free webinar on Monday 8th November 2010 at 12:30 for Public Libraries and 14:00 for Academic Libraries

Public libraries click here to register.

Academic libraries click here to register.

This webinar will focus again on discussing the latest Talis Prism 3 developments referring to the Talis Prism 3 Roadmap, while providing an opportunity for you to raise any specific questions that you may have.

In the meantime keep up with the latest Talis Prism 3 news and developments on the Talis Prism 3 website and blog.

Watch the latest Talis Prism Development webinar

If you were unable to attend one of our recent Prism 3 update webinars, then catch up on latest developments by watching the recording below or by downloading the video. We have changed the recording method for this webinar to improve sound quality.

The main topics covered were:

  • Introductions
  • Roadmap
  • General Update
    • Release
    • Semantic Data Model
  • Roadmap next steps
    • View Loan History
    • Choice of Jacket image supplier
    • Linked Data API
  • Google Analytics stats
  • Questions

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Talis Prism 3 Outage – 27 September 2010

Earlier today we experienced an outage of roughly 1.5 hours on Talis Prism 3. We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused and wanted to give you a little technical background into what went wrong, and what we will be doing going forward to prevent this happening again.

This morning, at around 11:28, the Talis Platform Team observed an increase in the number of requests being sent to our backend data storage platform. We started investigating the reason for this immediately.

Whilst carrying out this investigation, at around 12:07, we started to see instability in Talis Prism 3; by 12:25 it was mostly unreachable, with a limited number of requests processing successfully.

Just after this, we identified that the outage was due to a 3rd party caching system, which saves configuration values for each tenancy for subsequent requests, failing. Further investigation highlighted a bug that could cause failure under high load. We have just had some large customers launch Talis Prism 3 which pushed this system over a limit it was unable to handle. This load was expected, and planned for, however we were unaware of the existence of this bug.

Once we identified the culprit we put a configuration change in place to make Talis Prism 3 use a different caching system. This was completed at 13:27 and deployed to one of the live servers for testing.

We turned off all access to Talis Prism 3 at 13:35 to allow the backend data platform to recover and for us to evaluate if the new caching system was working as intended. Once we were confident that it was working and could handle the load, we preloaded all tenancies and turned Talis Prism 3 back on. All services resumed by 13:55.

Talis Prism 3 is designed to be able to use different caching systems and once this was proved to be the cause of the outage, switching over to a new one was very quick to implement. We have been planning to deprecate the current system and are in the final stages of testing a more robust replacement. Talis Prism 3 already sees very rigorous testing, both automated and manual, however, we have identified several places where we can put in extra load tests to simulate the traffic we saw today. We will be making the implementation of this our top priority.