When offering both Talis Prism 2.1 and Talis Prism 3 to your users (parallel running), you may want to provide links between Talis Prism 2.1 and Talis Prism 3.
To provide a link from Talis Prism 2.1 to Talis Prism 3, you need to edit the appropriate dictionary in Webmin. The easiest way to find the appropriate dictionary is to go to the Talis Prism 2.1 homepage in the interface in which you want the link to display, and in the browser menu select View > Source (or equivalent depending on your browser). At the foot of the source page you will find something like the following:
Using Interface: Local
Interface mapped by: Context ‘/TalisPrism’
Lookups used:
Client IP Address:
Application Host Name:
URL Param ‘interface’ Value: null
Context: /TalisPrism
Default Interface: Internet
Enabled: true
Logon Enabled: true
Dictionary: ENdefault
ResourceSet: default
ArtifactDisplay Id: default
Default Location Id: TWOC
Server: default
Server ApplicationId: LocalOpac
<!– Current Location: TalisWeb[TWOC] –>
<!– TalisJB v2.10080 –>
Then log in to Webmin, select ‘Dictionary’ from the top of the screen and choose the dictionary you are using, e.g. ENdefault.
Next, find the message identifier for the piece of text on the screen. To do this, go to Talis Prism 2.1 and add the following onto the end of the URL: ?messageIdentities=on
e.g. http://<prism i.p. address>/TalisPrism/?messageIdentities=on
This will then display all dictionary terms on the screen. Select the dictionary term that you need – for example: DEFAULT:WELCOME_TEXT
Copy this identifier, return to Webmin and paste this into the dictionary. This will display the text and/or html that appears on the screen in Talis Prism 2.1. Add your link to Talis Prism 3 at an appropriate place on the page.
For example: <a href=http://prism.talis.com/your_library>Try the new catalogue</a>
You will need to save the change and then ‘Apply Changes’, and then copy the changes to any other Talis Prism boxes.
To provide a link from Talis Prism 3 to Talis Prism 2.1 requires a change to the Talis Prism 3 homepage. If Talis has done the design work for your catalogue, we will make the changes on request. Libraries who have done their own design work may be able to edit the homepage themselves, although the downloading and uploading of files is currently done by Talis, until the Talis Admin Console is released. So, in all cases, please raise a Support case to change your Talis Prism 3 homepage.
This information can also be found in Talis Solution 1686.
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