Prism Blog

New Year New Catalogue

January 2010 is looking to be an exciting time for the launch of several Prism 3 catalogues. Following on from the 12 customers who went live with Prism 3 in 2009, a further 4 customers are looking to launch Prism 3 in early January. This includes Leeds Libraries, Liverpool Libraries, Haringey Libraries and Leicestershire Libraries.

We are also working with several other libraries that are also looking to launch Prism 3 early in the New Year.

If you have any queries about this or any other aspect of Talis Prism 3, please contact your Account Manager or email Alison Kershaw on

Talis Prism 3 usage November 2009

In November we saw 2,769,129 searches being carried out in Talis Prism 3.

If you have any queries about this or any other aspect of Talis Prism 3, please contact your Account Manager or email Alison Kershaw on

Talis Prism 3 Release, 8 December 2009

The recent Prism 3 release to demo has now been released to the Live Prism 3 environment. For further details please click here.

Keep up with the latest Talis Prism 3 news and developments on the Talis Prism 3 website and blog.

Talis Prism 3: Development Update Webinar

To keep up to date with the latest Talis Prism 3 Developments you can register for the webinar on Tuesday 19 January 2010.

Academic libraries click here to register.

Public libraries click here to register.

This webinar will focus again on discussing the latest Talis Prism 3 developments referring to the Talis Prism 3 Roadmap, while providing an opportunity for you to raise any specific questions that you may have.

In the meantime keep up with the latest Talis Prism 3 news and developments on the Talis Prism 3 website and blog.

Talis Administration console

As detailed in the blog posting of 5th November, this is to advise that the Talis Administration console introductory video is now live on the Talis Prism 3 website and can be accessed via this link

We have also created a guide to using the console which can be accessed here

or can be found in the Talis Prism Support area.

If you have any queries about this or any other aspect of Talis Prism 3, please contact your Account Manager or email Alison Kershaw on

Prism Release, 3 December 2009

We released changes to Prism 3 to the demo service yesterday evening. These changes cover a number of enhancements.

We have changed the cache settings for theme assets such as CSS. Browsers are now encouraged to cache these, improving the load times for Prism pages.

We have also fixed an annoying bug with the display of some UTF-8 characters in the item details pages where some UTF-8 characters were not displayed.

There have also been internal changes to the way we generate HTML. These changes improve the maintainability of our code without changing the functionality of Prism 3.

If you have any questions about the release or wish to raise issues before the release to live on 9 December then please raise a support call, contact your account manager or email Alison Kershaw.

To keep up to date with the latest Talis Prism 3 news and announcements please watch the Talis Prism 3 Microsite for details of the next Talis Prism 3 Development Update webinar which will be in January.

Two More Universities Launch Talis Prism 3

Both University of Cumbria and Thames Valley University have recently launched their Talis Prism 3 catalogues. University of Cumbria chose to do their own design work which has been applied to their Prism 3 Catalogue. Thames Valley University have chosen to parallel run Talis Prism 3 with Talis Prism 2, they have a link on their Prism 2.1 Catalogue to their Prism 3 Catalogue, again this is an example of a customer who have designed their catalogue in house. The flexibility for design and styling that Prism 3 offers has allowed both Universities to customise Prism 3 to meet their individual needs.

In total there are now 12 customers who have launched their Talis Prism 3 catalogue, with a number of customers planning imminent launches. If you would like further advice on how to launch your Talis Prism 3 catalogue then please contact

Linking between Talis Prism 2.1 and Talis Prism 3 for parallel running

When offering both Talis Prism 2.1 and Talis Prism 3 to your users (parallel running), you may want to provide links between Talis Prism 2.1 and Talis Prism 3.

To provide a link from Talis Prism 2.1 to Talis Prism 3, you need to edit the appropriate dictionary in Webmin. The easiest way to find the appropriate dictionary is to go to the Talis Prism 2.1 homepage in the interface in which you want the link to display, and in the browser menu select View > Source (or equivalent depending on your browser). At the foot of the source page you will find something like the following:

Using Interface: Local
Interface mapped by: Context ‘/TalisPrism’
Lookups used:

Client IP Address:
Application Host Name:
URL Param ‘interface’ Value: null
Context: /TalisPrism
Default Interface: Internet

Enabled: true
Logon Enabled: true
Dictionary: ENdefault
ResourceSet: default
ArtifactDisplay Id: default
Default Location Id: TWOC
Server: default
Server ApplicationId: LocalOpac
<!– Current Location: TalisWeb[TWOC] –>

<!– TalisJB v2.10080 –>

Then log in to Webmin, select ‘Dictionary’ from the top of the screen and choose the dictionary you are using, e.g. ENdefault.

Next, find the message identifier for the piece of text on the screen.  To do this, go to Talis Prism 2.1 and add the following onto the end of the URL: ?messageIdentities=on
e.g. http://<prism i.p. address>/TalisPrism/?messageIdentities=on
This will then display all dictionary terms on the screen.  Select the dictionary term that you need – for example: DEFAULT:WELCOME_TEXT

Copy this identifier, return to Webmin and paste this into the dictionary. This will display the text and/or html that appears on the screen in Talis Prism 2.1. Add your link to Talis Prism 3 at an appropriate place on the page.
For example: <a href=>Try the new catalogue</a>

You will need to save the change and then ‘Apply Changes’, and then copy the changes to any other Talis Prism boxes.

To provide a link from Talis Prism 3 to Talis Prism 2.1 requires a change to the Talis Prism 3 homepage. If Talis has done the design work for your catalogue, we will make the changes on request. Libraries who have done their own design work may be able to edit the homepage themselves, although the downloading and uploading of files is currently done by Talis, until the Talis Admin Console is released. So, in all cases, please raise a Support case to change your Talis Prism 3 homepage.

This information can also be found in Talis Solution 1686.

Talis Admin Console Update

Following the Talis Prism Update Webinar held in October, here are some more details on the forthcoming Talis Admin Console that will allow you to configure your Talis Prism 3 tenancies. As we discussed, the Talis Admin Console will continue to develop in line with new Talis Prism 3 functionality. We’ll shortly be updating the roadmap to show that track more clearly.

The name ‘Talis Admin Console’ reflects our intention to allow management of more of your Talis products in future. We are starting with Talis Prism 3.

The Admin Console functionality for Prism 3 has been developed to allow you to carry out the tasks that have most frequently been requested by customers. This method of development will continue, so when you require a change to your Talis Prism 3 tenancy that you cannot currently make, you contact the Support Team and we will continue to monitor those calls and add to the Admin Console accordingly.

Currently the Admin Console allows you to:

  • Manage Feedback email addresses. You can add or delete email addresses to which users’ feedback messages are sent when they select the Feedback option in Talis Prism 3.
  • Upload and download theme files. By uploading files, which you create and edit externally, you can control the appearance of your Talis Prism 3 tenancy. You can introduce your own branding, manage links, and change homepage content. This is also the way to add extensions such as Juice. Files can include CSS, images, javascript, and HTML fragments for the header, footer and homepage. You can upload files either individually or as a zip file. Individual files replace files of the same name. A zip upload replaces all files and allows you to move a theme from one tenancy to another, providing an easy way to develop your theme in your sandbox and then move it to your live tenancy.
  • Manage Collections. You can add and remove collections and specify for each collection if it should be used in searches. This allows you to define the scope of a default search in your catalogue. You can specify whether a collection should appear in the Collection facet and the drop down list in the Advanced Search page. You can also sort the list into the order you want it to be displayed in the drop down list in the Advanced Search page.
  • Manage Locations. You can add and remove locations, and specify for each location if it should appear in the Library Locations facet and the Location drop down list on the Advanced Search page. You can also sort the list into the order you want it to be displayed in the drop down list in the Advanced Search page.

The Talis Admin service is live. As a first step, we are using it to configure catalogues on your behalf. If you require any changes to your Talis Prism 3 catalogue, please raise a service request with the Support Team. We look to start the rollout of this service over the coming weeks, starting with those customers who have gone live with Talis Prism 3 already. As we start the rollout of the Talis Admin Console, we will also provide you with support on using it. As a first step we will be posting a short video on the Talis Admin Console and will link to it from this blog.

For more information on this and other aspects of Talis Prism 3, please register for the next Development Update webinar, which will be on 18th November.

Talis Prism 3 and Talis Keystone Single Sign-On

Firstly, many thanks to everyone who attended the recent webinar to discuss single sign-on with Talis Keystone and Talis Prism 3; the information and feedback you provided us was very useful in directing our plans in this area.

To summarise the information you gave us – many of you have integrated your portals and VLE’s with Talis Keystone to deliver a joined-up experience for students in their working dashboards, with the Library Management System. The Portal integration module of Talis Keystone allows you to embed a link into the portal or VLE enabling the authenticated user to click through from the portal system directly into the Talis Prism 2 catalogue, already signed into their borrower account and therefore negating the need for them to be challenged for library credentials. This is a huge benefit of Talis Keystone and something that you would like to continue with in Talis Prism 3.

Since the webinar we have taken the time to analyse a design which will enable this functionality in Talis Prism 3 without any impact on the integrated solution that you have already invested in developing in your portals and VLE’s and so the transition of this functionality will be seamless and fully managed by Talis Consulting and will have no impact on any of your live services. We have designed the approach to minimise any demand on you and at this point we do not expect any changes to be required for a standard portal or VLE integration.

During January 2010 we plan to rollout the required functionality in Talis Prism 3 and the Local Data Services component deployed on your library system which is needed to enable this transition. Following these software releases we will be able to make a configuration change in your Talis Keystone environment so that the Single Sign-On link which is delivered from the web services, to the portal, is enabled for Talis Prism 3. The timing of this switch over from single sign-on to Talis Prism 2, to Talis Prism 3 will be configurable, and will be done at a time of your choosing.

We are enabling this functionality in response to your feedback, as a solution to your immediate requirements. It is not however a replacement for the longer term single sign-on theme we plan to address in June-August of 2010 as published on our Talis Prism 3 roadmap. This theme of work is to take a fresh look at the area of authentication and single sign-on with other institutional-wide systems you will already have in place, such as Athens and Shibboleth.

As an update to the above posting we would like to make it explicit that in order to make the transition of moving from single sign-on to Talis Prism 2 over to single sign-on to Talis Prism 3, so that you do not need to make any portal changes and all work can be done by Talis in configuration:  you will not have single sign-on into Talis Prism 2 following the change, all requests to the borrower account from the portal will now go to Talis Prism 3, even if you are running both in parallel for catalogue searching and browsing.