Prism Blog

Prism release 23rd February 2021

We’re pleased to announce that the version of Prism that has been in preview recently has now been released to the live service.

The details are given in this release notice. and are summarised as follows:

  • Cluster counts will now be updated correctly

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment on the Prism blog, on Prism Ideas or contact our support team directly.

Prism release preview 16th February 2021

We’re pleased to announce that the next release of Prism is now available for preview.
This release includes:

  • Cluster counts will now be updated correctly

Cluster counts will now be updated correctly

Now when all the copies linked to a bibliographic record are set to suppressed statuses e.g. withdrawn, the clusters and cluster counts will be updated to reflect the change. It can take a little while for the updates to filter through.

Release Procedure

Making the most of your preview

Please check the preview version as early as possible to become familiar with the new functionality and to ensure that your tenancy still behaves as expected in terms of functionalities, including extensions, and styling.

To preview this release, please precede your tenancy URL with ‘demo.’, like this:{your tenancy name}. If you have your own host name, you’ll need to use instead.

Release to the live service

The release of Prism to the live service will be on Tuesday 23rd February 2021.

Comments and contact

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment here on the Prism blog or contact our support team directly. To suggest and discuss additional features please visit the  Prism Ideas Forum.

Prism release 11th November 2020

We’re pleased to announce that the version of Prism that has been in preview recently has now been released to the live service.

The details are described in this release notice and are summarised as follows:

  • Extra field on the Stock Purchase form – collection site

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment on the Prism blog, on Prism Ideas or contact our support team directly.

Prism release preview 28th October 2020

We’re pleased to announce that the next release of Prism is now available for preview.
This release includes:

  • Extra field on the Stock Purchase form – collection site

Extra field on the Stock Purchase form

The stock purchase form now includes an extra optional field, Collection site. The collection site drop down is populated with the list of site codes. The site the user selects is recorded in the stock purchase request under the notes tab. This feature requires LDS 2.9.12.

Release Procedure

Making the most of your preview

Please check the preview version as early as possible to become familiar with the new functionality and to ensure that your tenancy still behaves as expected in terms of functionalities, including extensions, and styling.

To preview this release, please precede your tenancy URL with ‘demo.’, like this:{your tenancy name}. If you have your own host name, you’ll need to use instead.

Release to the live service

The release of Prism to the live service will now be on Wednesday 11th November 2020.

If you need an LDS upgrade

Your current LDS version number is displayed in the footer of Soprano pages. If you require an upgrade to LDS 2.9.12 mentioned for the above feature, please raise a support case through the customer support portal.

Comments and contact

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment here on the Prism blog or contact our support team directly. To suggest and discuss additional features please visit the  Prism Ideas Forum.

Prism release 29th September 2020

We’re pleased to announce that the version of Prism that has been in preview recently has now been released to the live service.

The details are described in this release notice and are summarised as follows:

  • E-Pay in Prism using Pay360 Hosted Cashier API
  • Extra field on the Stock Purchase form
  • Update to the Accessibility page

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment on the Prism blog, on Prism Ideas or contact our support team directly.

Prism release preview 15th September 2020

We’re pleased to announce that the next release of Prism is now available for preview.
This release includes:

  • E-Pay in Prism using Pay360 Hosted Cashier API
  • Extra field on the Stock Purchase form
  • Update to the Accessibility page

E-Pay in Prism using Pay360 Hosted Cashier API

Prism has been enhanced to enable payments with the Capita Pay360 Hosted AP Portal payment provider. This allows E-Pay in Prism to use the Pay360 Hosted Cashier API

Extra field on the Stock Purchase form

The stock purchase form now includes an extra optional field, format. The format field is free text, up to 30 characters. Users can type in the format of the item they require. The format is recorded in the notes field under the notes tab. This feature requires LDS 2.9.12.

Update to the Accessibility page

The accessibility page ( has been updated to reflect that Prism conforms with World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 (WCAG 2.1).

Release Procedure

Making the most of your preview

Please check the preview version as early as possible to become familiar with the new functionality and to ensure that your tenancy still behaves as expected in terms of functionalities, including extensions, and styling.

To preview this release, please precede your tenancy URL with ‘demo.’, like this:{your tenancy name}. If you have your own host name, you’ll need to use instead.

Release to the live service

The release of Prism to the live service will now be on Tuesday 29th September 2020.

If you need an LDS upgrade

Your current LDS version number is displayed in the footer of Soprano pages. If you require an upgrade to LDS 2.9.12 mentioned for the above feature, please raise a support case through the customer support portal.

Comments and contact

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment here on the Soprano blog or contact our support team directly. To suggest and discuss additional features please visit the  Prism Ideas Forum.

Prism release 11th August 2020

We’re pleased to announce that the version of Prism that has been in preview recently has now been released to the live service.

The details are described in this release notice and are summarised as follows:

  • Click and collect

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment on the Prism blog, on Prism Ideas or contact our support team directly.

Prism release preview 28th July 2020

We’re pleased to announce that the next release of Prism is now available for preview.
This release includes:

  • Click and collect

Click and collect

Click and collect is designed to allow library users to request items that are on the shelf. It sets the collection site to the home site of the item, removing the need to transit material, and reserves the specific copy the user has selected. Once a copy has been reserved in this way, it will show the word Reserved beside it. The rules in the reservation filter are used at different points in the click and collect process. This feature requires LDS 2.9.11.

It is strongly advisable to amend some other aspects of the system when implementing click and collect to avoid accidentally adding extra copies to a reservation:

  1. Comment out cron lines for the script res_add_itms. It is designed to add in copies to reservations which may not have been added when the reservation was created.
  2. Set TAL_RES_ADD_ITEMS=NO for whichever operators have it set to YES. When set to YES, an item will be linked to existing reservations if appropriate when it is receipted, regardless of the status the item is receipted to.


The click and collect feature is switched on in the Admin console. Select the new Interface option for each Prism tenancy you wish to update, click in the tick box and save, then run Reset Tenant Cache. If you find this does not activate the functionality, try the following command:{tenancy_name}/resettenantcache

For example:


When the feature is switched on the system will automatically suppress the Reserve this item button in the full record display in Prism and expand the holdings to show the Collect button.

The system does various checks to determine whether to show the Collect  button. If the user is not authenticated, the button beside the copy shows the word Collect. Note: The Collect button can appear against copies that are not reservable because the reservation filter rules are not fully checked until the user is authenticated.

Clicking on the Collect button prompts the user to authenticate and the screen is re-displayed showing the Collect from button against available copies that are not already reserved.

Things to note:

  • If there is a standard reservation against the bibliographic record, all the reservable copies will have Reserved against them.
  • When click and collect is being used the user is choosing the site they will collect the item from, i.e. the home site of the item.
  • They are reserving that specific copy, so staff will need to find that copy to satisfy the reservation.
  • When the user views their reservations in My Account, the screen will look as it always has done. If they were the third person to reserve a copy, for example,  they will see that they are at Position 3 in the queue. This means there are three reservations on the title, but if click and collect was in operation when the reservation was placed, they have reserved a specific copy which is on the shelf.

In Pick reservations the number of copies to be collected displays in the REQUIRED column. The small arrow beside the item shelfmark will show the barcode(s) of the additional item(s) needed.

When the copies have been collected, they are processed in the standard way through Process reservations or rotations. With click and collect there will only be one reservation for each copy.

Release Procedure

Making the most of your preview

Please check the preview version as early as possible to become familiar with the new functionality and to ensure that your tenancy still behaves as expected in terms of functionalities, including extensions, and styling.

To preview this release, please precede your tenancy URL with ‘demo.’, like this:{your tenancy name}. If you have your own host name, you’ll need to use instead.

Release to the live service

The release of Prism to the live service will now be on Tuesday 11th August 2020.

If you need an LDS upgrade

Your current LDS version number is displayed in the footer of Soprano pages. If you require an upgrade to LDS 2.9.11 mentioned for the above feature, please raise a support case through the customer support portal.

Comments and contact

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment here on the Soprano blog or contact our support team directly. To suggest and discuss additional features please visit the  Prism Ideas Forum.

Prism release 23rd June 2020

We’re pleased to announce that the version of Prism that has been in preview recently has now been released to the live service.

The details are described in this release notice and are summarised as follows:

  • A fix to hotlinks used to access e-resources

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment on the Prism blog, on Prism Ideas or contact our support team directly.

Prism release preview 17th June 2020

We’re pleased to announce that the next release of Prism is now available for preview.
This release includes:

  •  A fix to hotlinks used to access e-resources

A fix to hotlinks used to access e-resources

If the 856 field in a bib record holds a url which contains references to more than one database, both database values are now going to be stored in the link used by Prism. This fix will only become available:

  • Once the release has gone into the live Prism environment
  • The work involved has been dummy edited following the release to live

If you have any questions about this please get in touch with the helpdesk.

Making the most of your preview

Please check the preview version as early as possible to become familiar with the new functionality and to ensure that your tenancy still behaves as expected in terms of functionalities, including extensions, and styling.

To preview this release, please precede your tenancy URL with ‘demo.’, like this:{your tenancy name}. If you have your own host name, you’ll need to use instead.

Release to the live service

The release of Prism to the live service will now be on Tuesday 23rd June 2020.

Comments and contact

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment here on the Soprano blog or contact our support team directly. To suggest and discuss additional features please visit the  Prism Ideas Forum.