Prism Blog

Prism EDS Integration

EDS Integration

We have recently released a new feature in Prism for libraries that use EBSCO data via EDS (EBSCO Discovery Service). The integration allows your users to search the EDS data from within the Prism search interface, by allowing users to select the resource they’d like to search:

Index selection dropdown

Your users can then easily navigate around a whole host of resources from one place. For those of you who have been using the Connect for EBSCO licence for a while (which allows Prism data to be surfaced in EDS), all you need do is contact us to take advantage of this additional integration, as there is no additional charge. Please raise a support call to ask us to enable this:

Search of library catalogue

A search of the library catalogue

Discovery service results

The same query searching EDS

This type of integration will be the same for CALM and any other external data sets you would like us to integrate with.

If you don’t already have the Connect for EBSCO licence, please contact

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