Prism Release Preview 22nd August 2014
This release includes:
- Format information fixes and improvements
- Improvements to the handling of main title information
- Improvements to the handling of production, publication, etc. information
- Security fixes
- A new format label ‘Article’ will be applied to journal articles, where the record leader indicates language material and a monographic component part.
- A new format label ‘eAudiobook’ will be applied to records coded for non-music sound recording and appropriate information in 007 and 300 or 655. This will correct cases where they are currently being mis-labeled ‘Compact disc’.
- The label ‘Audio book’ is changed to ‘Audiobook’ and it will be applied to more cases.
- New format labels for game console formats or platforms such as ‘Playstation 3’,
‘Xbox 360’ and ‘Nintendo Wii’ will be assigned as appropriate, in addition to the existing carrier format such as ‘DVD-ROM’. These will be derived from records where the Leader is coded for Computer file and a game platform name is recognised in the Edition or System Details fields.
- The format label ‘Compact disc’ is changed to the more familiar ‘CD’.
- CD-ROMs and DVD-ROMs that are largely textual are now correctly labeled, rather than being treated as format ‘eBook’.
- Some records for DVDs that were being labeled as ‘Laserdisc’ are now assigned format ‘DVD’.
- The derivation of the format labels ‘Photograph’, ‘Poster’ and ‘Picture’ have been improved, based on information in fields 007 and 300.
Improvements to the handling of main title information
We’ve revised the processing to derive the main title that displays for an item. This now preserves all parallel titles, removes the ‘et al’ problem, deals with issues involving numbers and tidies up punctuation and spacing.
Improvements to the handling of production, publication, etc. information
RDA cataloguing makes clearer distinctions within information about production, publication, manufacture and distribution. We’ve now reflected that in the Prism data model. Publication information will continue to display much as before, but any information about production, manufacture or distribution will be included in the Details section of the Item Detail page.
Security fixes
After conducting a regular penetration test a few small issues were raised and these are also fixed in this release.
Making the most of your preview
These changes will only take effect after the release to the live service, and then records will need to be re-posted to Prism to be processed through the new version. However, please do check the preview version to ensure that your tenancy still behaves as expected in terms of both functionality and styling.
If you identify any issues please raise a Support case.
As with every release, please also ensure that your extensions continue to work correctly.
To preview this release, please precede your tenancy URL with ‘demo.’, like this:{your tenancy name}. If you have your own host name, you’ll need to use instead.
Release to the live service
The release of Prism to the live service will be on Thursday 28th August 2014.
Comments and contact
If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment here on the Prism blog, on the Prism forum and Prism Ideas or contact your Account Manager or the Prism team directly.
August 26th, 2014 at 1:30 pm
Hi Terry
When I look on our demo tenancy, the stars in the star rating are not displaying correctly.
September 2nd, 2014 at 11:38 am
Hi Claire, Is it still a problem? If so, is it in a particular browser? Item 695699 has a rating that looks OK to me in various browsers, in the latest version of Prism now live. If the problem is continuing, could you please open a Support case?