Prism Blog

Archive for the 'Release Notices' Category

Admin Console Release – 18 December 2014

We’re pleased to announce that the latest release of the Admin Console is now live.

This release includes:

  • Prism:
    • Redesigned editor for Prism themes
  • Notifications
    • Ability to schedule a “one-off” rule
    • Validation of mandatory fields when adding a rule
    • Adding name of rule to deletion modal dialogue
    • Rule parameters multiple value selection now uses a control with ability to move values into and out of a ‘selected’ box
    • Improvement to notifications editor to stop the page jumping around in certain browsers

Prism – Theme Editor

We’ve re-organised the Prism Theme editor in this release, and at the same time added some features to make it easier to manage and experiment with themes.

The most noticable difference is the adoption of a ‘tabbed’ interface, allowing us to move the ‘Upload File’ and ‘Upload Zip’ forms from the bottom of the page, making them quicker to access. Alongside these existing options, we also have three new features: ‘Edit File’, ‘Create File’ and ‘Migrate Theme’.

New Tabbed Interface

We’ve also added a link to the latest revision of the Prism Style Guide into the alert at the top of the page. You can now also dismiss this alert for the remainder of your session by clicking the “x” in the top right corner.

Edit File

To make it quicker and easier to try out new styling in your theme, we’ve added the ability to edit your files in situ. The editor we’ve chosen works on modern browsers (IE8 and up, recent Firefox and Chrome versions), and offers a wealth of features tailored to working with CSS, HTML and JavaScript files. These include:

  • Autocomplete: as you type CSS property names, JavaScript method names or HTML tags, the editor suggests possible values.
  • Smart indentation: the editor knows about the best way to indent CSS, Javascript, HTML and XML, and will do this automatically when you press enter to go to the next line.
  • Warnings/errors: CSS rules that could be problematic, or syntax errors in other files, are highlighted with either a warning flag, or an exclamation mark depending on the severity.
  • Find/replace: when using the editor, pressing CTRL-F or CTRL-H opens a find and/or replace dialogue respectively.
  • Theme support: if you’d rather work with a darker background to reduce eye strain, simply select one of the dark themes. This setting is saved in a cookie and should persist the next time you use the editor.

File Editor

Once you’ve finished editing a file and clicked on the ‘Save’ button, simply reset your tenant cache to see the changes reflected in your theme.

Create File

In tandem with the ability to edit files, Create File allows you to add a text based file (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, .ini/config file and plain text) to your theme without the need to upload a blank file. You can create subdirectories by using forward slashes in the file name, e.g. path/to/new/file.html.

To ensure you can’t accidentally overwrite an existing file, the Admin Console checks to see whether a file of the same name already exists, and warns you if so.

Create File Dialogue

Migrate Theme

Every Prism customer has two tenancies by default, their ‘Live’ and their ‘Sandbox’. We always suggest working on any changes in your Sandbox first, before copying them to your Live tenancy. Previously this was accomplished by downloading a theme backup from the Sandbox and uploading it to the Live tenancy.

‘Migrate theme’ makes this process much quicker, allowing you to migrate the entire theme, or just your tenancy specific stylesheet file(s).

The usual process will now be to visit your Sandbox tenancy, migrate the theme from your Live tenancy, make changes, and then migrate from Sandbox to Live – all without having to download and edit files locally on your computer.

Migrate Theme Dialogue


One-off Rules

We’ve now added the ability to create a special ‘one-off’ rule, that will send a notification on a specified date, rather than running on a regular basis. When adding the rule you now have the option to set the schedule to ‘Once’ or ‘Recurring’. When ‘Once’ is selected you can specify a date and time.

Mandatory Field Validation

When adding a rule, you’ll now be prompted with a warning message to fill in certain required fields, rather than defaults being provided which could previously be accepted inadvertently.

Deletion Modal Dialogue

If you have a long list of inactive rules and are in the process of cleaning them up, confirming you’re deleting the intended rule is important. To that end we’ve now added the name of the rule you are about to delete to the modal dialogue that pops up asking for confirmation.

Selecting multiple values for rule parameters

We’ve had some feedback that selecting multiple parameter values when creating a rule can be a bit cumbersone, especially if you have a long list of values. We’ve now adopted a similar selection widget to that used in the Prism Facets section of the Admin Console to make this a bit easier.

Comments and contact

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment here on the Prism blog, on the Prism forum and Prism Ideas or contact your Account Manager or the Prism team directly.

Prism Release Preview, 8th December 2014

We’re pleased to announce that the next release of Prism is now available for preview.
This release includes:

  • Reservation charge warning and confirmation
  • microdata in Prism pages
  • Gender field change in the Prism Pro Joining form


Reservation charge warning and confirmation

The Reserve button on the item detail page now shows the charge for placing a reservation, where applicable. This is derived from the same rules as when the Reservation charge on buttonreservation is actually placed. When you’re not signed in the charge is displayed only if the library applies the same charge in all circumstances. If you click the button and sign in then the page is re-displayed as now, but with the charge displayed on the button as appropriate.
Reservation confirm
When signed in, clicking the button when there is a charge takes you to a new page where you are reminded of the charge and your chosen collection site and invited to either confirm or cancel. ‘Cancel’ takes you back to the item detail page without placing the reservation. ‘Confirm’ places the reservation and gives you a confirmed page with details of your reservation and a button to return to the item page. When there is no charge, clicking the Reserve button places the reservation directly and gives you the confirmed page.Reservation placed success

The various labels on the Reserve button in the different conditions are new texts in Prism. Old bespoke texts will no longer display, such as ‘Reserve this item (charges may apply)’. Bespoke variants of the new texts can be added as required: please open a Support case, as for any other Prism text change. microdata in Prism pages

Pages in Prism now include microdata embedded in the html. This has no direct effect on the use and appearance of Prism, but it integrates your content more meaningfully into the wider web for the benefit of users and libraries.

Microdata provides a structure and vocabulary to describe types of information, making the contents of web pages more meaningful to computers. This could include information about books and other library resources, people, services, and so on. It is understood by the major search engines and allows them to  provide more relevant results to users both in terms of ranking in response to queries and the information displayed. It is also used by web-based social media. The purpose for libraries is to increase the visibility of their resources and services on the web, and thus increase the use and perceived value of libraries.

Here are links to more information about structured data and

Gender field change in the Prism Pro Joining form

The Gender field on the Prism Pro Joining form was not populating the LMS database. It has been removed. Instead, a Gender field can be added to the form as part of the implementation, using the library’s Analysis code data for gender if created and required by the library.


Making the most of your preview

Please check the preview version as early as possible to familiarise with the new reservation functionality and to ensure that your tenancy still behaves as expected in terms of both functionality, including extensions, and styling.

To preview this release, please precede your tenancy URL with ‘demo.’, like this:{your tenancy name}. If you have your own host name, you’ll need to use instead.

We are aware of impacts on styling with this release, mainly concerning the Check Availability,  Reserve and Save buttons in the Results and Item Detail pages. If you are an Assist Managed customer or if you commissioned your Prism theme from us then we will fix any styling issues arising from this release before it goes live, and contact you individually to let you know when it has been done. Otherwise, here are some guidelines to help you fix any such issues.

Please refer to the Prism Design Guidelines (PDF)  for more extensive guidance on best practices.

To fix issues with the buttons it is advisable to defer to the base Prism styling as much as possible as we’ve ensured a set of defaults that should render well on all browsers, including mobile devices, and provide ample area to click.

Otherwise, removing fixed widths on buttons, as well as custom padding, and any fixed-width images will be a required first step – this ensures that button text can be changed and not break rendering. Most background images that we’ve seen used in Prism themes can be successfully implemented with pure CSS.

If you’ve hidden buttons on the search results page (e.g. to stop the “Save” button appearing) you’ll need to use the more specific CSS selector, which should fix 99% of issues:

#searchaction ul.itemActions li.listAction { display: none; }


Release to the live service

The release of Prism to the live service will be on Monday 5th January 2015.

If you need to resolve any styling issues we  strongly recommend that you endeavour to do that before Christmas.


Comments and contact

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment here on the Prism blog, on the Prism forum and Prism Ideas or contact your Account Manager or the Prism team directly.

Prism Release 8th October 2014

We’re pleased to announce that the version of Prism that has been in preview recently has now been deployed to the live service. Details of the inclusions are described in the preview release notice.

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment here on the blog, on the Prism forum and Prism Ideas or contact your Account Manager or the Prism team directly.

Prism Release Preview 6th October 2014

We’re pleased to announce that the next release of Prism is now available for preview.

This release fixes format information in results from EBSCO DS.

Fix format information in results from EBSCO DS

Currently, Prism treats all results from EDS as ‘electronic resource’. In this release Prism now uses the information returned by the EDS API to display the correct format of the item as identified by EDS and using EDS vocabulary.

Making the most of your preview

Since the EDS fix is important to those who use the EDS integration but does not affect other customers, we propose to reduce the preview period for this release to one day. However, please do check to ensure that your tenancy still behaves as expected in terms of both functionality and styling.

If you identify any issues please raise a Support case.

As with every release, please also ensure that your extensions continue to work correctly.

To preview this release, please precede your tenancy URL with ‘demo.’, like this:{your tenancy name}. If you have your own host name, you’ll need to use instead.

Release to the live service

This version of Prism will be released to the live service on Wednesday 8th October 2014.

Comments and contact

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment here on the Prism blog, on the Prism forum and Prism Ideas or contact your Account Manager or the Prism team directly.

Prism Release 1st September 2014

We’re pleased to announce that the version of Prism that has been in preview recently has now been deployed to the live service. Details of the inclusions are described in the preview release notice.

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment here on the blog, on the Prism forum and Prism Ideas or contact your Account Manager or the Prism team directly.

Prism Release Preview 22nd August 2014

We’re pleased to announce that the next release of Prism is now available for preview.
This release includes:

  • Format information fixes and improvements
  • Improvements to the handling of main title information
  • Improvements to the handling of production, publication, etc. information
  • Security fixes
Format information fixes and improvements
We’ve fixed the following issues concerning the generation of format information in Prism from MARC records:

  • A new format label ‘Article’ will be applied to journal articles, where the record leader indicates language material and a monographic component part.
  • A new format label ‘eAudiobook’ will be applied to records coded for non-music sound recording and appropriate information in 007 and 300 or 655. This will correct cases where they are currently being mis-labeled ‘Compact disc’.
  • The label ‘Audio book’ is changed to ‘Audiobook’ and it will be applied to more cases.
  • New format labels for game console formats or platforms such as ‘Playstation 3’,Capture ‘Xbox 360’ and ‘Nintendo Wii’ will be assigned as appropriate, in addition to the existing carrier format such as ‘DVD-ROM’. These will be derived from records where the Leader is coded for Computer file and a game platform name is recognised in the Edition or System Details fields.
  • The format label ‘Compact disc’ is changed to the more familiar ‘CD’.
  •  CD-ROMs and DVD-ROMs that are largely textual are now correctly labeled, rather than being treated as format ‘eBook’.
  • Some records for DVDs that were being labeled as ‘Laserdisc’ are now assigned format ‘DVD’.
  • The derivation of the format labels ‘Photograph’, ‘Poster’ and ‘Picture’ have been improved, based on information in fields 007 and 300.

Improvements to the handling of main title information
We’ve revised the processing to derive the main title that displays for an item. This now preserves all parallel titles, removes the ‘et al’ problem, deals with issues involving numbers  and tidies up punctuation and spacing.

Improvements to the handling of production, publication, etc. information

RDA cataloguing makes clearer distinctions within information about production, publication, Producer statementmanufacture and distribution. We’ve now reflected that in the Prism data model. Publication information will continue to display much as before, but any information about production, manufacture or distribution will be included in the Details section of the Item Detail page.

The data is also held in a more normalised and linked form to support further developments in future such as improved search by publisher or place of publication, and options to make connections through linked data.

Security fixes

After conducting a regular penetration test a few small issues were raised and these are also fixed in this release.

Making the most of your preview

These changes will only take effect after the release to the live service, and then records will need to be re-posted to Prism to be processed through the new version. However, please do check the preview version to ensure that your tenancy still behaves as expected in terms of both functionality and styling.

If you identify any issues please raise a Support case.

As with every release, please also ensure that your extensions continue to work correctly.

To preview this release, please precede your tenancy URL with ‘demo.’, like this:{your tenancy name}. If you have your own host name, you’ll need to use instead.

Release to the live service

The release of Prism to the live service will be on Thursday 28th August 2014.

Comments and contact

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment here on the Prism blog, on the Prism forum and Prism Ideas or contact your Account Manager or the Prism team directly.

Prism Release 15th August 2014

We’re pleased to announce that the version of Prism that has been in preview recently has now been deployed to the live service, as planned. Details of the inclusions are described in the preview release notice.

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment here on the blog, on the Prism forum and Prism Ideas or contact your Account Manager or the Prism team directly.

Prism Release Preview 5th August 2014

We’re pleased to announce that the next release of Prism is now available for preview.
This release includes:
  • Reservation queue position
  • Fix for EDS facets being cleared when changing pages
  • Improvements to the Prism Pro ILL module
Reservation queue position

It’s clear from Prism user feedback and comments from customers that it would be helpful to have some indication of how long it will take for a reservation to become available. To satisfy this requirement we’ve added a new column, ‘Position’, to the Reservations page in ‘My Account’. This shows your current place in the reReservation queue positionservation queue, or for multi-work reservations, your place in the queue of the first work that will become available.

Because we’re showing more data on this page we’ve also made a small tweak to the way we handle titles here to prevent things looking cluttered, especially on mobile devices. The statement of responsibility is no longer displayed and long titles are truncated. To see the entire title (and statement of responsibility) you can click the title or cover image, which takes you to the item detail page.

Fix for EDS facets being cleared when changing pages

In the Prism Pro EBSCO Discovery Service integration feature there was an issue where selected facets didn’t persist when changing pages; this has now been rectified.

Improvements to the Prism Pro ILL Module

The Prism Pro ILL Module has a feature that searches Prism and other local discovery interfaces before placing a request, to ensure the item isn’t already in stock. We’ve tweaked the way this search is conducted to ensure more relevant results are presented to your users.

Making the most of your preview

This release is now available for you to preview. Please do make the most of this opportunity to gain familiarity with the new features and ensure that your tenancy still behaves as expected.

If you identify any issues with your styling please raise a Support case.

As with every release, please also ensure that your extensions continue to work correctly.

To preview this release, please precede your tenancy URL with ‘demo.’, like this:{your tenancy name}. If you have your own host name, you’ll need to use instead.

Release to the live service

The release of Prism to the live service will be during next week, w/b 11th August 2014.

Comments and contact

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment here on the Prism blog, on the Prism forum and Prism Ideas or contact your Account Manager or the Prism team directly.

Prism release 3rd July 2014

We’re pleased to announce that the version of Prism that has been in preview recently has now been deployed to the live service, as planned. Details of the inclusions are described in the preview release notice.

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment here on the blog, on the Prism forum and Prism Ideas or contact your Account Manager or the Prism team directly.


Prism Release Preview and Admin Console 25th June 2014

We’re pleased to announce that the next release of Prism is now available for preview, with associated features in a new release of the Admin Console.

This release includes:

  • Resource Management
  • Use of question mark in queries

Resource Management

Resource Management allows you efficiently to manage metadata workflows associated with collections of resources. Uploading files of records directly to Prism, you can Admin Resource Mgmt Listprovide for discovery and access to resources and maintain an accurate representation of your collections. This can be used for any collection where MARC records are provided and there is no need for them in the LMS database, such as Demand Driven Acquisition plans and subscription collections of ebooks or ejournals.

The latest release of the Admin Console includes a new ‘Resource Management’ option in the Prism section. This allows you to create and manage collections by uploading files of MARC records directly to Prism.

It provides your list of resource collections and the option to add a new collection. Each collection has a name, a provider, a status, a count of the records representing the resources in the collection, and options to edit, suspend, or delete the collection. When the status is ‘Active’ the resources are discoverable in Prism. You can temporarily remove them from being discoverable in Prism simply by clicking ‘Suspend’; the button changes to ‘Resume’, allowing you to restore discoverability with another click. You might use this to suspend a Demand Driven Acquisition plan. The Delete button removes the collection and all its records.

To add a collection you specify a few details and upload a MARC file from your computer or network. To update a collection with addition, change or deletion records, Admin Resource Mgmt Addyou Edit the collection and upload the relevant file. When you add a collection, as well as specifying the name, provider and status, you can select one or more Locations (this is optional and provides ‘Library Location’ facet entries from your data), and you must select at least one ‘Collection’ (the kind defined in the LMS), such as ‘Main Catalogue’, to include the records within the scope of your catalogue.

To try out Resource Management without affecting your live catalogue you can upload data to your sandbox tenancy – select the ‘-sandbox’ Prism tenancy when you go into the Admin Console. Uploaded active data will appear only in your sandbox Prism catalogue. This means you can upload and play with any files, such as those for DDA plans and subscription collections that you have already processed for the live catalogue.

Use of question mark in queries

This fixes a problem where searches for titles ending in a question mark were finding no results because the question mark is the wildcard symbol. Now, a question mark at the end of the query is ignored, so queries such as these work: ‘Why  ‘Is multiculturalism bad for women?’ and ‘You talkin’ to me?’.

Making the most of your preview

The Admin Console release is live, at The Prism release is now available for you to preview. Please do make the most of this opportunity to gain familiarity with the new features and ensure that your tenancy still behaves as expected.

If you identify any issues with your styling please raise a Support case.

As with every release, please also ensure that your extensions continue to work correctly.

To preview this release, please precede your tenancy URL with ‘demo.’, like this:{your tenancy name}. If you have your own host name, you’ll need to use instead.

Release to the live service

The release of Prism to the live service will be next week, w/b 30th June 2014.

Comments and contact

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment here on the Prism blog, on the Prism forum and Prism Ideas or contact your Account Manager or the Prism team directly.