We’re pleased to announce that the version of Prism that has been in preview recently has now been released to the live service.
The details are described in this release notice and are summarised as follows:
- Facets under the ‘More’ link are shown as a list
- Searching Summon as part of the Prism pro ILL Request workflow
- A security fix in My Account
- Prism Pro E-Pay improvements
If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment on the Prism blog, on Prism Ideas or contact our support team directly.
We’re pleased to announce that the next release of Prism is now available for preview.
This release includes:
- Facets under the ‘More’ link are shown as a list
- Searching Summon as part of the Prism pro ILL Request workflow
- A security fix in My Account
- Prism Pro E-Pay improvements
Facets under a More link are shown as a list
Now when you click on a More facet, the results are displayed in ascending alphabetical order. Options are provided to sort the list in descending order or by the count of the number of matches
Searching Summon as part of the Prism pro ILL Request workflow
During the initial stages of creating an ILL request through Prism, the system carries out a search of the catalogue using the details the requester has entered. This search will now be carried out against Summon if this is the default catalogue.
A security fix in My account
A fix in the My Account area has been applied to close a security issue
Prism Pro E-Pay improvements
Changes have been made to the information passed by Prism Pro e-Pay functionality to Capita Payments SCP9 payment provider.
- Charge types can now be mapped to a fund code
- The borrower barcode can be mapped, via Reference, to the payment transaction
Making the most of your preview
Please check the preview version as early as possible to become familiar with the new functionality and to ensure that your tenancy still behaves as expected in terms of functionalities, including extensions, and styling.
To preview this release, please precede your tenancy URL with ‘demo.’, like this: demo.capitadiscovery.co.uk/{your tenancy name}. If you have your own host name, you’ll need to use demo.capitadiscovery.co.uk instead.
Release to the live service
The release of Prism to the live service will now be on Thursday 28th May 2020.
Comments and contact
If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment here on the Soprano blog or contact our support team directly. To suggest and discuss additional features please visit the Prism Ideas Forum.
We’re pleased to announce that the version of Prism that has been in preview recently has now been released to the live service.
This release includes:
- Some fixes to the information passed to Capita Pay360
Details are described in the release notice
If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment on the Prism blog, and suggest and discuss additional features in Prism Ideas or contact our support teams directly.
We’re pleased to announce that the next release of Prism is now available for preview.
This release includes:
- Some fixes to the information passed to Capita Pay360
Some fixes to the information passed to Capita Pay360
The fixes are:
- Being able to send through the “FundCode” and “Reference” fields separately
- One of the descriptions for an Item Summary element has been amended
Making the most of your preview
Please check the preview version as early as possible to become familiar with the new functionality and to ensure that your tenancy still behaves as expected in terms of functionalities, including extensions, and styling.
To preview this release, please precede your tenancy URL with ‘demo.’, like this: demo.capitadiscovery.co.uk/{your tenancy name}. If you have your own host name, you’ll need to use demo.capitadiscovery.co.uk instead.
Release to the live service
The release of Prism to the live service will be on Thursday 27th June 2019.
Comments and contact
If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment here on the Prism blog, on the Prism forum or Prism Ideas or contact our support team directly.
We’re pleased to announce that the version of Prism that has been in preview recently has now been released to the live service.
This release contains:
- Changes to Prism to pass through additional information to Capita Pay360
Details are described in the release notice
If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment on the Prism blog, and suggest and discuss additional features in Prism Ideas or contact our support teams directly.
We’re pleased to announce that the next release of Prism is now available for preview.
This release includes:
- Changes to Prism to pass through additional information to Capita Pay360
Changes to Prism to pass through additional information for Capita Pay360
In this release, the Prism epayments functionality can now also send through the Customer reference and the fund code fields to Capita Pay360 if specified.
Making the most of your preview
Please check the preview version as early as possible to become familiar with the new functionality and to ensure that your tenancy still behaves as expected in terms of functionalities, including extensions, and styling.
To preview this release, please precede your tenancy URL with ‘demo.’, like this: demo.capitadiscovery.co.uk/{your tenancy name}. If you have your own host name, you’ll need to use demo.capitadiscovery.co.uk instead.
Release to the live service
The release of Prism to the live service will be on Tuesday 11th June 2019.
Comments and contact
If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment here on the Prism blog, on the Prism forum or Prism Ideas or contact our support or sales admin teams directly.
We’re pleased to announce that the version of Prism that has been in preview recently has now been released to the live service.
This release contains:
- Summon integration – option to display a limit by library location facet
Details are described in the release notice
If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment on the Prism blog, and suggest and discuss additional features in Prism Ideas or contact our support teams.
We’re pleased to announce that the next release of Prism is now available for preview.
This release includes:
- Summon integration – option to display a limit by library location facet
Summon integration – option to display a limit by library location facet
In this release, it is now possible to display a new facet for Summon: Library Location. This allows the end user to limit the display to titles where there is at least one item at the selected location. The facet is enabled through the Admin console in the Facets section.
Making the most of your preview
Please check the preview version as early as possible to become familiar with the new functionality and to ensure that your tenancy still behaves as expected in terms of functionalities, including extensions, and styling.
To preview this release, please precede your tenancy URL with ‘demo.’, like this: demo.capitadiscovery.co.uk/{your tenancy name}. If you have your own host name, you’ll need to use demo.capitadiscovery.co.uk instead.
Release to the live service
The release of Prism to the live service will be on Thursday 30th May 2019.
Comments and contact
If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment here on the Prism blog, on the Prism forum or Prism Ideas or contact our support or sales admin teams directly.
We’re pleased to announce that the version of Prism that has been in preview recently has now been released to the live service.
This release contains:
- Summon integration – display of Formats and Editions results clustering
- Serial records holdings display problem fixed
Details are described in the release notice
If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment on the Prism blog, and suggest and discuss additional features in Prism Ideas or contact our support team directly.
We’re pleased to announce that the next release of Prism is now available for preview.
This release includes:
- Summon integration – display of Formats and Editions results clustering
- Serial records holdings display problem fixed
Summon integration – display of Formats and Editions results clustering
This release now displays search results clustered by a work when a search is executed against Summon. This feature is always switched on at work level. i.e. this means that all editions are brought together and represented by one of the records.
Serial records holdings display problem fixed
This release fixes a problem where the codes for a site displayed under some circumstances, against serial holdings, rather than the names of the sites.
Making the most of your preview
Please check the preview version as early as possible to familiarise with the new functionality and to ensure that your tenancy still behaves as expected in terms of both functionality, including extensions, and styling.
To preview this release, please precede your tenancy URL with ‘demo.’, like this: demo.capitadiscovery.co.uk/{your tenancy name}. If you have your own host name, you’ll need to use demo.capitadiscovery.co.uk instead.
Release to the live service
The release of Prism to the live service will be on Tuesday 12th March 2019.
Comments and contact
If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment here on the Prism blog, on the Prism forum or Prism Ideas or contact our support or sales admin teams directly.
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