Soprano Blog

Archive for the 'Webinars' Category

Watch the latest Soprano Development Update webinar

If you were unable to attend the Soprano Development Update webinar on Thursday 11th May or would like to review what we covered then you can catch up on the latest developments by watching the video of the webinar, below, or by downloading it.

The webinar covers numerous developments coming soon, chiefly in Acquisitions but some also in other areas, including:

  • View Orders for a Work
  • View Notes and Reports on an Order
  • View and manage Orders cancelled by supplier
  • More detail in Create order
  • More information when paying an Invoice fails
  • Control over verifying and paying by the same person
  • Additional fields on Open Orders
  • Messages shown when receipting issues
  • Filter Funds by status
  • Create Fund
  • Manage Claims for journal issues
  • Borrower current loans additional information
  • Alert when return item is an ILL
  • Till refund bug fix
  • Create Item without a barcode
  • View operator enablements
  • Local Data Services
  • and more


Watch the latest Soprano Development Update webinar

If you were unable to attend the Soprano Development Update webinar on Wednesday 18th January or would like to review what we covered then you can catch up on the latest developments by watching the video of the webinar, below, or by downloading it.

The webinar covers:

  • Demonstration of recent features, including aspects of:
    • Circulation
      • Manage reservation shelf — Pick reserved items improvements — Filters on Borrower ILL Requests and Reservations — Borrower Add a charge — Borrower Notifications — Resources search improvements — Item Query
    • Inter-library loans
      • Manage ILL Requests — Process unverified requests
    • Purchasing
      • Create Invoice/Credit note
  • In development, coming soon:
    • Renew with seen/unseen, manual due date, etc
    • Circulation exception handling

Since the webinar ran out of time, we’ve made a follow-up video, further below, to give you a more complete view of the circulation exception handling features that are coming soon.


Circulation exception handling video. Please note: a more up-to-date remake of this video is available in the release notice for the March 2017 preview release of Soprano.


Soprano Development Update Webinar 18th January 2017

To keep up to date with the latest Soprano developments please register for the webinar on Wednesday 18th January 2017 at 2.00 pm. This free webinar is open to all customers.

In this webinar we’ll demonstrate the latest Soprano developments, explain what’s coming next and give you an opportunity to raise any specific questions that you may have.

Please click here to register for the webinar.

After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.

In the meantime you can keep up with the latest Soprano news and information on the Soprano blog and on the Soprano Forum, and propose and discuss ideas in Soprano Ideas.

Watch the latest Soprano Development Update webinar

If you were unable to attend the Soprano Development Update webinar on Thursday 26th May or would like to review what we covered then you can catch up on the latest developments by watching the video of the webinar, below, or by downloading it.

The webinar covers:

  • Demo of recent features, including:
    • Acquisitions
    • Till
    • Serial issue check-in
  • In development, coming soon:
    • Transit on return
    • Item messages
    • Inter-library loans
    • Wrapper for handling RFID tags
    • Borrower position in the reservation queue
    • Item Query
    • View borrower notifications
    • Receipt at branch
    • Add a miscellaneous charge to a borrower
    • Alerts displayed separately
    • Reservation shelf specific treatment
    • … and more

Soprano Development Update Webinar 26th May 2016

To keep up to date with the latest Soprano developments please register for the webinar on Thursday 26th May 2016 at 2.30 pm. This free webinar is open to all customers.

In this webinar we’ll discuss the latest Soprano developments and give you an opportunity to raise any specific questions that you may have.

Please click here to register for the webinar.

After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.

In the meantime keep up with the latest Soprano news and information on the Soprano blog and on the Soprano Forum, and propose and discuss ideas in Soprano Ideas.

Watch the latest Soprano Development Update webinar

If you were unable to attend the Soprano Development Update webinar on Wednesday 16th December or would like to review what we covered then you can catch up on latest developments by watching the video of the webinar, below, or downloading it.

Highlights include:

  • Latest release: demo of new features
    • with LDS 1.10
    • with LDS 2.0
  • Local Data Services 2.0
  • Acquisitions
  • Other developments in progress



Soprano Development Update Webinar 16th December 2015

To keep up to date with the latest Soprano developments please register for the webinar on Wednesday 16th December 2015 at 11.00 am. This free webinar is open to all customers.

In this webinar we’ll discuss the latest Soprano developments and give you an opportunity to raise any specific questions that you may have.

Please click here to register for the webinar.

After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.

In the meantime keep up with the latest Soprano news and information on the Soprano blog and on the Soprano Forum, and propose and discuss ideas in Soprano Ideas.

Watch the latest Soprano Development Update webinar

If you were unable to attend the Soprano Development Update webinar on Thursday 24th September or would like to review what we covered then you can catch up on latest developments by watching the recording of the webinar below or by downloading the video.
Highlights include:

  • Latest release – demo of new features
  • Soprano and Local Data Services work in progress
  • Acquisitions development started
  • Reading RFID tags into Soprano

In the section on Acquisitions development we invited information from your acquisitions staff about their work. To give an idea of the kinds on information we’re interested in, a set of questions is given below. Please send comments to

Questions to prompt information from acquisitions staff

1. What initiates an acquisition at your library (who, how,etc).
2. Describe your daily activities in acquisitions (who, what, how? What takes most time?)
3. What would you improve about the acquisitions process? Describe your ideal acquisitions system.
4. Who is involved in acquisitions. How do you split responsibilities? How many people are involved?
5. What non-LMS systems are involved (spreadsheets, finance websites etc)
6. Where does acquisitions work take place?
7. Reporting – what do you need to do? Do you check stock performance, or is that somebody else?
8. Receipting – how do you do it. Who is involved?
9. Do you use Open Orders? To what extent? How many serials etc are acquired via Open Orders?
10. Export to finance. Do you have finance integration, what are the pain points?
11. How much of your process uses EDI? Do you print many orders? How do you send these?
12. Do you manage donations, gifts, etc? What do you do? Quantities?
13. How do you communicate with suppliers. For what reasons? How often?
14. Volume of orders – per day/week? How many queries/problems, e.g. part-supply, non-supply, invoice discrepancies, different item supplied, etc?
15. Do you use verification? What are approvals criteria?
16. How many funds do you have active? How are they split?
17. Are your acquisitions and cataloging processes integrated?

Soprano Development Update Webinar 24th September 2015

To keep up to date with the latest Soprano developments please register for the webinar on Thursday 24th September 2015 at 2.00 pm. This free webinar is open to all customers.

In this webinar we’ll discuss the latest Soprano developments and give you an opportunity to raise any specific questions that you may have.

Please click here to register for the webinar.

After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.

In the meantime keep up with the latest Soprano news and information on the Soprano blog and on the Soprano Forum, and propose and discuss ideas in Soprano Ideas.


Watch the latest Soprano Development Update webinar

If you were unable to attend the Soprano Development Update webinar on Thursday 30th July or would like to review what we covered then you can catch up on latest developments by watching the recording of the webinar below or by downloading the video.

Highlights include:

  • Change site of operator
  • Exception alerts & streamlining in Return Items & Issue Items
  • Transit returned items
  • Add & edit borrower messages
  • Local Data Services: audit information & security improvements
  • Acquisitions development starting

There are a couple of points in particular where we’d like feedback. Please email Terry Willan or contact us through your Account Manager.

Environment Variable TAL_REISSUE_FINE=. If you don’t have this set, or if it is set to NO, then we’d like to hear from you. It means that when an item is found to be already on loan during issue to another borrower and the system sets the previous loan to returned then any fines on it are not applied to the previous borrower’s account. In Soprano we propose to make it behave as though this is always set to YES, and allow the operator to make adjustments such as waiving, if enabled.

Acquisitions development. We’d like to hear from appropriate staff in your library if you’re interested in advising us and being an early adopter of acquisitions features in Soprano. What are the main ways in which you’d like Soprano to do better than Alto?
