Soprano Blog

Soprano Release Preview, 3rd March 2015

We’re pleased to announce that the next release of Soprano is now available for preview.
This release includes

  • Streamlined Issue and Return
  • Simplified search for borrowers by postcode, email address & date of birth
  • Add and edit a borrower note
  • Message removal interaction clarified
  • Resource Management records searchable
  • Postcode lookup address finder
  • Charge type names improvement
  • Invisible change to the method of bibliographic searching
  • Harder to delete a transaction in the Offline queue
  • Consistent action to edit
  • Unreserving items when one is in transit for the reservation: bug fix
  • Waiver treated as payment bug fix
  • Create Borrower birth date bug fix
  • Cataloguing: indicators on generated MARC field 100

Streamlined Issue and Return
The dialogue pop-ups in Issue Item and Return Item confirming the transaction or giving an exception have been removed. Instead, each transaction is shown in the page, below the form, with a message indicating the outcome and ordered with the most recent at the top. The transactions accumulate in the page until you navigate away. In Issue Item, after a transaction, the focus is in the Item barcode field ready for the next item to be input, so you can issue multiple items to a borrower with scan <Enter> for each one. It’s the same action in Return Item to return multiple items.

Return Item

Issue Item





Simplified search for borrowers by postcode, email address & date of birth
You can now search for borrowers using postcode, email address and date of birth without using search qualifier prefixes. Postcodes must include the space between the two parts. A search by postcode by itself may be slow; it is likely to be quicker with another term such as name, e.g. ‘b37 7yb smith’. For Date of birth, use the form as displayed in Soprano (dd/mm/yyyy) or variations on that, e.g. d/m/yy.

Add and edit a borrower note
Click/tap the pencil icon to add or edit the borrower note, under the Borrower note editBorrower > Notes tab, and click/tap the tick to save it. The ability to add and edit borrower messages is planned for subsequent development.

Message removal interaction clarified
The control to remove a message has been changed from an X to a bin, to clarify that it removes the message from the borrower rather than just dismiss it from view.

Resource Management records searchable
Records that you have uploaded to Prism via Resource Management in the Admin Console are now included in search results.

Postcode lookup address finder
This requires integration with a postcode lookup address finder service: LLPG, QAS or Address-point. In the Soprano Create Borrower form you can Postcode address lookupenter a postcode and click/tap to have the address fields populated automatically. Multiple address first lines are given in a drop-down list for you to select the required one.

If you already have postcode lookup integrated in Alto, please raise a Support case to request it to be enabled in Soprano. If you do not already have a postcode lookup service, please contact Sales or your Account Manager.

Charge type names improvement
The names of charge types are displayed in the list under the Borrower Charges tab and in the Make Payment dialogue to pay an individual charge. These have been revised, with a short form displayed in the list and a longer form displayed in the Make Payment dialogue.
Charge types
Furthermore, the ‘placed’ type, as it was previously called, covered miscellaneous,, notification and ILL request charges; now those three are separately identified. The new type names are defaults – local variations can be made on request.The new default type names in their short and long forms are: Fine / Fine for overdue loan; Hire fee / Fee to hire an item; Reservation / Reservation fee; Miscellaneous / Miscellaneous charge; Postage / Postal notification charge; ILL Request / Inter-library loan request fee.

If you would like to the ability to record borrower payments to be enabled in your Soprano tenancy, please open a Support request.

Invisible change to the method of bibliographic searching
The way Soprano searches bibliographic data has been radically altered to take advantage of future developments to search in Prism. There should be no noticeable change in search behaviour for Soprano users.

Harder to delete a transaction in the Offline queue
This addresses a problem where it was too easy to delete transactions in the Soprano Offline queue. The user is now invited to  ‘Confirm Delete’ or to ‘Retry’.

Consistent action to edit
The pencil control is the indication that edit is possible – click/tap it to edit. This has now been included in the Item page where, currently, the Status of the item can be edited.

Unreserving items when one is in transit for the reservation: bug fix
An LMS environment variable, TAL_INTRAN_UNRES, allows you to specify that when an item is put in transit to satisfy a reservation, other reserved items for the same reservation whose home sites are not the collection site can be unreserved. A bug in the Local Data Service that deals with this has been fixed but not yet released, and deployment to all customers will take time. Meanwhile, Soprano effectively will ignore the environment variable so that no items will be unreserved when one is put in transit to satisfy the reservation. It will change again, to respect the environment variable, when the LDS update has been deployed.

Waiver treated as payment
Waivers being treated as payments is fixed in this release.

Create Borrower birth date bug fix
A problem where some dates of birth were changing in Create Borrower, in the Chrome and IE browsers, has been fixed.

Cataloguing: indicators on generated MARC field 100
Correct indicator values are now set on field 100 in the MARC record that is generated from Create Work in Soprano.


To preview this release
You can preview this release by inserting ‘-demo’ into your tenancy URL after the word ‘soprano’:{your tenancy name}. Please remember that it accesses you live data.

Release to the live service
This version of Soprano will be released to the live service on Tuesday 10th March 2015.

Comments and contact
If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment here on the blog, in the Soprano Forum, or contact your Account Manager. To suggest and discuss additional features there is the Soprano Ideas Forum.

Soprano release to the live service

We’re pleased to announce that the version of Soprano that has been in preview recently has now been released to the live service. Details of the inclusions are described in the preview release notice.

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment on the Soprano blog, on the Soprano forum and Soprano Ideas or contact your Account Manager or the Soprano team directly.

Soprano Release Preview, 12th January 2015

We’re pleased to announce that the next release of Soprano is now available for preview.
This release includes:

  • Default site when you sign in
  • Displaying course and Date of Birth
  • Guarantors
  • Add contacts to existing borrowers
  • Handling Items without barcodes
  • Other improvements


Default site when you sign in
Soprano now uses a cookie that stores the site at which you last signed in and uses it as the default site when you next sign in. As such, it’s specific to the device and browser that you’re using. It means that normally for most staff there will be no need to select the site because the default will be correct.

Displaying Course and Date of Birth
CourseOnBorrowerSoprano now displays the primary course of the borrower when there is one, in the top area of the borrower page. Date of Birth already displays in that area, but now it can be switched off – if you would like to do this, please open a Support case.


A guarantor of a borrower can be added, viewed, edited and removed. In the Membership section of Borrower Information there is a new field ‘Guarantor’. When Guarantorpopulated it displays the name of the borrower who is the guarantor of the current borrower. In edit mode on the Membership form, the Guarantor field shows the guarantor’s barcode number. You can change or remove the barcode number, or add one when the field is initially empty.
In the Create Borrower form there is a new field ‘Guarantor barcode’, which populates the borrower record when it is created.

Add contacts to existing borrowers
A button ‘Add New Contact’ is now given below the Contacts section of Borrower


AddNewContactBtnInformation. This opens a form as a new row on the Contacts list, with a Method drop-down menu (Email, Address, Phone) and other fields appropriate to the selected method.


Handling Items without barcodes
In the Holdings list of items for a work, a row for an item with no ItemNoBarcodebarcode can now be selected and the Item page is displayed. The URL for such an Item page has the ItemID instead of the barcode number. This ensures that all items can be managed in Soprano.

Other improvements

  • Fixed a responsive design issue in the Create Borrower page to ensure appropriate wrapping in portrait mode on narrower devices
  • Ensure consistent use of the term ‘Return’ rather than ‘Discharge’
  • Fixed Borrower note display (under Notes) so that it appears even when there are no messages to display
  • Fixed the duplicate display of the message box in ‘Find items unaccounted for’ when there are no items to be listed.

To preview this release
You can preview this release by inserting ‘-demo’ into your tenancy URL after the word ‘soprano’:{your tenancy name}. Please remember that it accesses you live data.

Release to the live service
This version of Soprano will be released to the live service on Monday 19th January 2015.

Comments and contact
If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment here on the blog, in the Soprano Forum, or contact your Account Manager. To suggest and discuss additional features there is the Soprano Ideas Forum.

Soprano release to the live service

We’re pleased to announce that the version of Soprano that has been in preview recently has now been released to the live service. Details of the inclusions are described in the preview release notice.
If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment on the Soprano blog, on the Soprano forum and Soprano Ideas or contact your Account Manager or the Soprano team directly.

Soprano Release Preview 12 November 2014

We’re pleased to announce that a new release of Soprano is now available for preview. This release includes:
  • Borrower messages displayed and removable
  • Availability shown in Holdings
  • Other circulation improvements
  • Cataloguing improvements
Additionally, recent work on the Local Data Services (LDS) has enabled Stock Management improvements in the Reservations Pick List.

Borrower messages displayed and removable

Borrower messages are now displayed under the Notes tab. Messages display in the left column under the heading ‘NOTES’, and if there is a note it displays in the Borrower messagesright-hand column headed ‘PINNED NOTE’. Forced messages are placed above non-forced messages and are outlined in red. When a forced message is present, an alert (red circle with exclamation mark) is displayed by the borrower picture, linked to the Notes tab. Any message can be removed by clicking the X in the corner.


Availability shown in Holdings
The list of items under the Holdings tab on the Work page has a new column, ‘Availability’. This says ‘on loan’ or ‘available’ or ‘query’, with traffic light colour-coding.

Other circulation improvements

  • Due Date and Fee now display in the In the Issue success overlay message.
  • When returning an item from loan the success response now says ‘Return Succeeded – Item was successfully returned’, rather than referring to offline check-in.
  • New records, records with no items and other records not searchable in Prism can be retrieved by their bibID. To do this, in the Resources area, search with ‘uid:{bibID}’. Such records are included in Recently Viewed.
  • Some styling issues have been fixed, including alignment of the Home site drop-down list in the Membership section under the Borrower Information tab, and size of the button to get borrower details for their barcode on the Reserve page.
  • Overlay pop-ups now display in situ even when you are some way down a long page, rather than going to the top of the page, for example canceling a reservation down a long list of reservations.
Cataloguing improvements
  • Add Item now allows an item to be created without a Classification or Suffix (as well as without a Sequence or Size).
  • When you select Create Work with data in the Resources search box, now only an identifier, e.g. ISBN, is carried into the Identifier field on the form and other data are ignored.
  • In the Create Work and Add Item forms, the cancel button now takes you back to the preceding page in your workflow rather than staying on the form.
  • In the Create Work form, when on the Publisher field and you select an autocomplete prediction that also includes place, it is now correctly parsed into the Publisher and Location fields.

Stock Management – Reservation Pick List

The following two issues are addressed by an LDS upgrade and database check that has been rolled out to customers with Soprano Stock Management. This enables accurate Reservation Pick Lists to be generated, streamlining the process of picking reserved items from the shelves.

  • Items that are on loan are now suppressed from the list.
  • Reservations where the last useful date is in the past are now ignored.

To preview this release

You can preview this release by inserting ‘-demo’ into your tenancy URL after the word ‘soprano’:{your tenancy name}. Please remember that it accesses you live data.

Release to the live service

This version of Soprano will be released to the live service on Wednesday 19th November 2014.

Comments and contact

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment here on the blog, in the Soprano Forum, or contact your Account Manager. To suggest and discuss additional features there is the Soprano Ideas Forum.

Watch the latest Soprano Development Update webinar

If you were unable to attend the Soprano Development Update webinar on Thursday 16th October or would like to review what we covered then you can catch up on latest developments by watching the recording of the webinar below or by downloading the video.

Highlights include:

  • Soprano roadmap run-through
  • Overview demonstration of Soprano current features
  • Recent developments
  • Forthcoming developments

Soprano release to the live service

We’re pleased to announce that the version of Soprano that has been in preview recently has now been released to the live service. Details of the inclusions are described in the preview release notice.

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment here on the blog, on the Soprano forum and Soprano Ideas or contact your Account Manager or the Soprano team directly.

Soprano Release Preview 11th August 2014

We’re pleased to announce that a new release of Soprano is now available for preview. This release includes:

  • More enablement control using LMS permission settings
  • Stock Management enhancements and fixes
  • Other improvements
  • Cataloguing – first steps

Enablement controls

The availability of Reservations features can be controlled by LMS permissions settings (in SetConfig). When the LMS Permissions Rules have Circulation > Reservation set to ‘No’, the following elements do not display in Soprano: the Reserve button, the Reservation tabs on Work and Item, and the Tasks involving reservations.

Similarly, for Borrower information, when the LMS Permissions Rules have Circulation >  Borrower set to ‘No’, the Borrower column under the Work Holdings tab is not displayed, and the Borrower ID column under Work and Item Reservations is not displayed. This is in addition to being unable to search for borrowers and being placed in Items after log in.


Stock Management enhancements and fixes

Active Tasks are now displayed at the top of the Tasks page. A progress indicatoActive task progressr is displayed in tasks where appropriate, such as the Reservations Pick List.

A new task, ‘Pick reservations in area’ allows you to subdivide the job of picking reservations by different areas of the library (i.e. branch), allocating them to different people if required. This is useful when there is a large number of reservations that can be satisfied fRes Pick List by arearom the library. Areas are defined using the existing ‘Manage shelves’ option, and then you select an area when you go into ‘Pick reservations in area’.
The Reservation Pick List no longer returns an error when no content qualifies for the list; it now returns the following message: ‘There are no reservations, or no available items to satisfy current reservations, within the requested area.’


Offline mode now estimates the remaining device storage capacity and warns the operator if it is insufficient for a transaction to be queued.

We’ve fixed an issue where a borrower created offline is not sync’ing when online connectivity is restored.

We’ve added texts where they were missing from some display elements in Offline.

Other improvements

Soprano now has a breadcrumb trail in the Items area. You can select any previous Breadcrumbstep in the trail to go back. This enables direct navigation from an Item to a Work.

We’ve fixed issues with scanning barcodes using an on-board camera on a portable device. Soprano auto-detects the camera and shows a camera icon on the button on the input field, to take the picture of the barcode. Please note that in Admin Console > Soprano > Interface there is an on/off check box setting for ‘Show Camera-based Barcode Reader’.

We’ve also fixed some issues with date picker and icon displays in Internet Explorer 8.

Cataloguing – first steps

This release also includes the beginnings of a cataloguing module. It’s switched off by default. When switch on in a tenancy, it has the following features.

On the Items main page there is a Create Work button, which gives you a form with labeled fields (non-MARC) allowing you to enter some basic bibliographic information. This is aimed at supporting situations where you need brief bibliographic data quickly. Create WorkThe first field, ‘Identifier’, accepts an ISBN, EAN, UPC or other identifier and has an option to  ‘Get Work’, which searches Base and automatically imports and presents you with a matching record selected according to search preferences that you have for the Cataloguing Service. Other features when creating a new record include selecting from lists of format and content types, and autocomplete on creator, contributor and and publisher fields.

On the page for a Work there is an Add Item button, which opens a simple form allowing quick entry of basic item details, with selection menus for Site, Status, Type, Sequence and Size. Having created an item you remain in the form with the values just entered, except barcode, allowing for quick creation of multiple copies.

Also included is an ‘Improve Work’ feature, which allows some particular fields to be added or upgraded using data from records in Base (again following your search preferences), where the operator can view and decide on each change.

To preview this release
You can preview this release by inserting ‘-demo’ into your tenancy URL after the word ‘soprano’:{your tenancy name}. Please remember that it accesses you live data.

Release to the live service
This version of Soprano will be released to the live service on Monday 18th August 2014.

Comments and contact
If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment on this blog post, in the Soprano Forum, or contact your Account Manager. To suggest and discuss additional features there is the Soprano Ideas Forum.


Soprano release to the live service

We’re pleased to announce the release to the live service of  Soprano with offline capability. This is the version that has been in preview recently. Details are described in the preview release notice.


Watch the latest Soprano Development Update webinar

If you were unable to attend the Soprano Development Update webinar on Monday 24th February or would like to review what we covered then you can catch up on latest developments by watching the recording of the webinar below or by downloading the video.

Highlights include:

  • Overview of current Soprano features
  • Soprano Offline
  • Stock Management development in progress