Soprano Blog

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Soprano release 17th November 2020

We’re pleased to announce that the release of Soprano that was previously in preview has been released to live service this morning.

This release includes the following:

  • Cataloguing
    • Searching Base to enable overwriting of a local bibliographic record
  • Cataloguing fix
    • Display of fields in View MARC
  • Circulation
    • Bulk edit of copies linked to a bibliographic record

The details are described in this release notice

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment here on the Soprano blog or contact our support team directly. To suggest and discuss additional features please visit the Soprano Ideas Forum.

Soprano release preview 10th November 2020

We’re pleased to announce that the next release of Soprano is available for preview.

This release includes the following:

  • Cataloguing
    • Searching Base to enable overwriting of a local bibliographic record
  • Cataloguing fix
    • Display of fields in View MARC
  • Circulation
    • Bulk edit of copies linked to a bibliographic record


Searching Base to enable overwriting of a local bibliographic record

A new feature has been introduced in Resources to enable a local record to be overwritten with a bibliographic record from Base. It can also be used to import a bibliographic record if no local records are found by the search.

You need the following enablement to switch on the Search Base feature:

  • Search external databases

You need this enablement to import and overwrite records:

  • Import from external databases

Navigate to the Resources page, and choose the Search Base tab.

Enter your search terms to perform a keyword search against the local catalogue and an ‘Any – keyword complete’ search against Base. ‘Any – keyword complete’ searches take each word entered and search for the presence of each word anywhere in the record. In this iteration of the software the system searches the databases specified in Configure Alto> Parameter Management> Rules> Bibliographic Search Order> Cat. Auto Search Order initially and then automatically goes on to search the other Base databases. This can mean that some searches take longer to complete – we plan to make improvements in a future release. It does not search any external databases at the moment. The results from Base are displayed in the order in which the databases are searched and the first 20 results are returned. Click on an entry in the top part of the screen to see the MARC record below.

If results have been returned from both Base and the local catalogue and a bibliographic record on both sides of the screen has been selected, the Overwrite local record button will use the selected Base record to overwrite the local bibliographic record. Items and serial holdings are unaltered but are linked to the new work description. Any 856 fields and local fields that contain your MARC Organisation Code in the existing record are retained.

If results are returned from Base only, when a bibliographic record is selected, the Import button will load it into the local database.

Cataloguing fix

Display of fields in View MARC – When a bibliograpic record is displayed in View MARC, the fields will now display in the correct order.


Bulk edit of copies linked to a bibliographic record

A new feature has been added to allow bulk changes to the items linked to a bibliographic record. Please note this feature requires LDS 2.9.13.

If you have the following enablement, you will be able to make changes in bulk to the items attached to a bibliograpic record. Note this enablement also allows the user to edit an individual item from the Resources page.

  • Circulation> Circulate item> Edit Circulate item

Note to be able to add items you need these enablements:

  • Cataloguing
  • Cataloguing> Edit item

Click on the Add/Edit items button to access the functionality and then select the Edit items radio button to make changes to the items listed on the screen.

Choose the values you want to use from the fields at the top of the screen. The Status, Record as donation and Barcode fields cannot be updated and are not used in the update process. Choose which items you wish to update using the check boxes to the right of the items and click Update item(s). Where there are several pages of items you will need to update each page separately. The screen is refreshed once the update is completed.

Note: The items in the list are ordered by site, shelf mark and item type. When one of these values is updated for just some items, after the update they may be filed on a different page to the one you are on.

Release Procedure

To preview this release

You can preview this release by inserting ‘-demo’ into your tenancy URL after the word ‘soprano’:{your tenancy name}. Please remember that it accesses your live data.

Release to the live service

This version of Soprano is expected to be released to the live service on Tuesday 17th November 2020.

If you need an LDS upgrade

Your current LDS version number is displayed in the footer of Soprano pages. If you require an upgrade to LDS 2.9.13 mentioned for the above feature, please raise a support case through the customer support portal.

Comments and contact

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment here on the Soprano blog or contact our support team directly.  To suggest and discuss additional features please visit the Soprano Ideas Forum.

Soprano release 6th October 2020

We’re pleased to announce that the release of Soprano that was previously in preview has been released to live service this morning.

This release includes the following:

  • Acquisitions fix
    • Create order – alert to fund not being selected
  •  Cataloguing
    • Display of the 007 drop down lists in View MARC
  •  Circulation
    • Adding lots of copies quickly
    • Item type added to the Download reservations list
  • Circulation fix
    • Items in stock rotation transiting to home site
    • Download reservations list – borrower type
  • General fix
    • Incorrect username or password fix

The details are given in this release notice.

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment here on the Soprano blog or contact our support team directly. To suggest and discuss additional features please visit the Soprano Ideas Forum.

Soprano release preview 22nd September 2020

We’re pleased to announce that the next release of Soprano is available for preview.

This release includes the following:

  • Acquisitions fix
    • Create order – alert to fund not being selected
  •  Cataloguing
    • Display of the 007 drop down lists in View MARC
  •  Circulation
    • Adding lots of copies quickly
    • Item type added to the Download reservations list
  • Circulation fix
    • Items in stock rotation transiting to home site
    • Download reservations list – borrower type
  • General fix
    • Incorrect username or password fix

Acquisitions fix

Create order – alert to fund not being selected – When creating an order an alert is now displayed if a fund is not selected.


Display of the 007 drop down lists in View MARC

The display of the drop down lists on the 007 field in View MARC has been improved.


Adding lots of copies quickly

A new feature has been added to allow the quick creation of lots of copies with similar attributes. The user needs the following enablements to see the Add/Edit items button.

  • Cataloguing
  • Cataloguing> Edit item
  • Circulation> Circulate item> Edit Circulate item

Click on the Add/Edit items button to access the functionality.

Choose the values to be added to the new copy, enter the barcode and choose Add.

The values are retained so that further barcodes can be scanned to enable multiple copies with the same or similar attributes to be added quickly.

Note: If the user only has the following enablements then the existing functionality for adding a single item will be available:

  • Cataloguing
  • Cataloguing> Edit item

Item type added to the Download reservations list

The item type has been added to the Download reservations list.

Circulation fix

Items in stock rotation transiting to home site – Items that are attached to a stock rotation plan can now be transited to their home site when stock rotation is not due.

Download reservations list – borrower type – The Borrower Type field is now populated correctly.

General fix

Incorrect username or password fix – If a username or password is entered incorrectly, Soprano now shows the message indicating this rather than going offline.

Release Procedure

To preview this release

You can preview this release by inserting ‘-demo’ into your tenancy URL after the word ‘soprano’:{your tenancy name}. Please remember that it accesses your live data.

Release to the live service

This version of Soprano is expected to be released to the live service on Tuesday 6th October 2020.

Comments and contact

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment here on the Soprano blog or contact our support team directly.  To suggest and discuss additional features please visit the Soprano Ideas Forum.


Soprano release 2nd September 2020

We’re pleased to announce that the release of Soprano that was previously in preview has been released to live service this morning.

This release includes the following:

  • Acquisitions fix
    • Classmarks are now saved when a new order is created
  • Circulation
    • Re-ordering of the fields on the Add item form
    • Access to downloading the pick reservation list

The details are given in this release notice.

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment here on the Soprano blog or contact our support team directly. To suggest and discuss additional features please visit the Soprano Ideas Forum.

Soprano release to preview 26th August 2020

We’re pleased to announce that the next release of Soprano is available for preview.

This release includes the following:

  • Acquisitions fix
    • Classmarks are now saved when a new order is created
  • Circulation
    • Re-ordering of the fields on the Add item form
    • Access to downloading the pick reservation list

Acquisitions fix

Classmarks are now saved when a new order is created – When you create a new order, via Resources> Bib record> Order copies, the class number is now saved. Similarly, when you display an order and use the Add new order item button the class mark is saved. If you edit an item row in the order and update the class number, this is now saved.


Re-ordering of the fields on the Add item form

The order of the fields on the Add item form has been changed. This is preparation for some further developments in this area.

Access to downloading the pick reservation list

The Download list button on Pick reserved items will now be hidden if the login has the enablement Borrower set to No.

Release Procedure

To preview this release

You can preview this release by inserting ‘-demo’ into your tenancy URL after the word ‘soprano’:{your tenancy name}. Please remember that it accesses your live data.

Release to the live service

This version of Soprano is expected to be released to the live service on Wednesday 2nd September 2020.

Comments and contact

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment here on the Soprano blog or contact our support team directly.  To suggest and discuss additional features please visit the Soprano Ideas Forum.


Soprano release 12th August 2020

We’re pleased to announce that the release of Soprano that was previously in preview has been released to live service this morning.

This release includes the following:

  • Acquisitions
    • Default data when creating an order
  • Cataloguing
    • Adding and editing the 007 field
  • Circulation
    • Download the Pick Reservations list
    • Allowing volunteers to satisfy reservations and transit items for reservations
  • Circulation fixes
    • Manage Areas, Sequences now accessible
    • List of products in the till now accessible

The details are given in this release notice.

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment here on the Soprano blog or contact our support team directly. To suggest and discuss additional features please visit the Soprano Ideas Forum.

Soprano release preview 5th August 2020

We’re pleased to announce that the next release of Soprano is available for preview.

This release includes the following:

  • Acquisitions
    • Default data when creating an order
  • Cataloguing
    • Adding and editing the 007 field
  • Circulation
    • Download the Pick Reservations list
    • Allowing volunteers to satisfy reservations and transit items for reservations
  • Circulation fixes
    • Manage Areas, Sequences now accessible
    • List of products in the till now accessible


Default data when creating an order

When creating an order, the Site and Default Item Type fields will now default to None selected. If any mandatory field is not filled in when Create is clicked, the system will direct the user to make a selection.


Adding and editing the 007 field

When an 007 field is present in a MARC record all the data elements will be displayed now. Category of material can be altered, which results in all the subsequent data elements being replaced with those appropriate to the new category. When an 007 field is added, it will display the Category of material set to Map. This can be altered as required.


Download the Pick Reservation list

On Pick reserved items and Pick reserved items in area, Download list allows you to download a .csv version of the pick list. Take care when opening the file as Excel will automatically remove leading zeros. Note: where normal reservations are in operation, if there are multiple reservations on the title the list will show you one entry for each copy reserved for each reserver.

Example downloaded list for normal reservations:

Allowing volunteers to satisfy reservations and transit items for reservations

The system now allows users with the following enablements to satisfy and transit reservations in Process reservations or rotations, but not click through to the borrower’s details:

  • Circulation> Borrower=No
  • Circulation> Reservation> Satisfy=Yes
  • Circulation> Reservation> Intransit within Reservation=Yes

If the enablements are set as follows, then the user cannot access Process reservations or rotations:

  • Circulation> Borrower=No
  • Circulation> Reservation> Satisfy=No
  • Circulation> Reservation> Intransit within Reservation=No

Circulation fixes

Manage Areas, Sequences now accessible – It is now possible to access the full list of sequences when adding or editing areas.

List of products in the till now accessible – It is now possible to access the full list of products when the till is open.

Release Procedure

To preview this release

You can preview this release by inserting ‘-demo’ into your tenancy URL after the word ‘soprano’:{your tenancy name}. Please remember that it accesses your live data.

Release to the live service

This version of Soprano is expected to be released to the live service on Wednesday 12th August 2020.

Comments and contact

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment here on the Soprano blog or contact our support team directly.  To suggest and discuss additional features please visit the Soprano Ideas Forum.

Soprano release 30th July 2020

We’re pleased to announce that the release of Soprano that was previously in preview has been released to live service this morning.

This release includes the following:

  • Cataloguing
    • Updating the class number linked to a work and its items
  • Circulation fixes
  • ILL fix
  • Serials fix

The details are given in this release notice.

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment here on the Soprano blog or contact our support team directly. To suggest and discuss additional features please visit the Soprano Ideas Forum.

Soprano release preview 23rd July 2020

We’re pleased to announce that the next release of Soprano is available for preview.

This release includes the following:

  • Cataloguing
    • Updating the class number linked to a work and its items
  • Circulation fixes
  • ILL fix
  • Serials fix


Updating the class number linked to a work and its items

When viewing a bibliographic record it is now possible to alter the class number of the work and the class number of the associated items. Please note this requires LDS 2.9.10

You need to have the enablement: Edit work (under Cataloguing> Work) set to Yes to see the pencil.

Click on the pencil to change or add a class number to the work and to see the options. The options to update the items only appear once a class number is present on the work.

Make the required change to the class number and then set the option for updating the attached items. In the example above choosing to update ‘Only those with old class number’ would update all the copies except the one at Edgley.

Circulation fixes

Display of the item type and borrower type fields in Firefox – When an item record is edited in Soprano using the Firefox browser, the Sequence field now displays correctly. Similarly when a borrower record is displayed in Firefox, the borrower type field now displays correctly.

Creating orders – date ordered populated with the correct value – When an order is created within Soprano, the date ordered will now be populated with the correct default date so that orders for print suppliers can be generated. Please note this requires LDS 2.9.10

ILL fix

Now, when a loanable ILL request is receipted, the home site of the ILL item is set to the location.

Serials fix

It is now possible to display an open order which has a subscription start date but not a subscription end date.

Release Procedure

To preview this release

You can preview this release by inserting ‘-demo’ into your tenancy URL after the word ‘soprano’:{your tenancy name}. Please remember that it accesses your live data.

Release to the live service

This version of Soprano is expected to be released to the live service on Thursday 30th July 2020.

If you need an LDS upgrade

Your current LDS version number is displayed in the footer of Soprano pages. If you require an upgrade to LDS 2.9.10 mentioned for the above feature, please raise a support case through the customer support portal.

Comments and contact

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please get in touch. You can comment here on the Soprano blog or contact our support team directly.  To suggest and discuss additional features please visit the Soprano Ideas Forum.